Chapter 19

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He was suprised because he didnt move, his arms out for a second and then he wind them around her holding her tight. She breathed in his smell.... Relief flooded through her.

Not sure how long they sat there like that, but she felt him slide his hand around her waist pulling her in even tighter. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest was soothing. She closed her eyes and focused in her breathing.

"Why am I always hurting the one I love so much" she sobbed softly in his chest

"you are not hurting anyone love" he rubbed circles on her back to confront her

"I didn't even go to see them once after our marriage, I'm the only one they have" she whispered looking at him

"Now they're my family too sana, I've met them last week ...calm down now" he wiped tears from her cheek.
His heart broke looking at her like that.

"I've made sure they're fine so stop blaming yourself"

She didnt know how long they stayed like that but they stayed suspended in time .

"When you left mumbai I was...I was very disturbed..I wasn't sure what to do...after some days I started staying with Rubina aunty but I couldn't pull my self up , I lost myself.... whatever was happening around me was not bearable for me Sidharth I left her place and got into my apartment but then I drowned into such habits...I even took drugs Sidharth" she was talking in between her sobs.

"Smoking drinking was like my daily meals but then my uncle brought me back to the Delhi... sure I came out of my addiction but not completely...I don't want all this Sidharth...I don't want to smoke anymore but I'm helpless...even today I ended up arguing with you I'm sorry"

"Oh my god what and all things I made her go through? What kind of person I'm? She's my love" he felt so bad looking at her like this.

"Look at me love" he cupped her face making her teary eyes meet his.
He simply came closer and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"I'm sorry , I can't express that feeling sana I just left , trust me baby I regret it"

"I didn't know what to do Sidharth the situation wasn't in my hands, my health was not good...."depressed" that was the tag they gave me" she chuckled sadly

"Now no more words .... whenever you crave for any of such habits just come to me and I'll hold you in my arms till you feel fine...I'll never leave you again"


"I promise"
She pecked his lips softly before curving her body in his arms completely and letting him take the hold of her.

Our life is actually in our hand, at the end you have to live it. He knew what he had to do , he wanted her in his life forever just the way they dreamed. he had a family to look after him to take care of him when he was back they never left him alone but for her? She had no one she drowned herself in the dirt but "now I'm there I'll make everything fine...."

"This is unbelievable" She said as he fed her a spoonful of ice cream.

"That we're married" she continued as her cheeks turned red

"I knew we would come back I never believed on our breakup....sure I was hurt but i knew one day we would meet" he said smiling at her.

"You..never told me the reason of you getting hurt Sidharth... I never cheated on you" she said looking at him

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