chapter 6

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There was a comfortable silence in the car .....none of them dared to utter a single word..... whatever happened some minutes ago was too much to digest ...they hugged , kissed for the first time after wht seemed like forever to both of them.....he stopped the car at a five star restaurant where his secretary had reserved a private cabin for the lunch.

"We're here" he said gazing at her sleeping figure.

"Huh yeah" she said opening her eyes.

"Which place is this" she asked while walking towards the entrance with him.

"This is "country inn" our own restaurant" he said pressing the button of the elevator.

"Okay" she nodded looking at her reflection in the elevator mirror.

"We make a hot couple" he mumbled mischievously looking at her through mirror.

"We always do" she mumbled under her breath with a blush cripping on her cheeks.

"You said something?" He asked even though he heard and agreed to wht she said.

"Huh no nothing" she said looking at his eyes.

"You let your hair grow so long" he said looking at her beautiful long hair.
She smiled nodding at him.

"You never liked politics then now?" She asked as both of them waited for their food to arrive.

"I needed to distract myself so I joined our party but I'm not involved in anything yet" he replied leaning on his seat.

She hummed in response shyly, he was staring at her constantly which was making her angry and blush at the same time.....

He scooted closer to her and placed his hand on her waist pulled her to his side.
She gasped looking at him.
He brought his face closer to hers looking at her eyes intensely....she just closed her eyes as she let herself melt in his delicate touch.......he snaked his one hand on the nape of her neck as another held onto her waist....
At this moment all he wanted was to kiss her deeply and necessarily.....He leaned forward to place his lips on hers but they were interputed by the waiter. She snapped her eyes open in a jolt....
He inhaled sharply after realising what he was about to do....

The lunch was the silent affair for them, he sometimes fed her favourite peri peri fries by his hand when she was busy savouring the lasagna... surprisingly she ate it by his hand....

"Where should we go?" he asked as they settled in the car after lunch.

"I've to buy sarees and some other things " she said fastening her seat belt.

"Okay" He nodded in agreement.
He did not talk anything after that. Sana out of boredome stared out of the window.

"Someone is following us" she said looking at the car which was following their car.

"I know" he replied with a straight face.

She wanted to ask why and who were they as though he read her mind Sidharth added "they are our guards, don't worry"

"But why are they following us?" She frowned in confusion.

"Ruling the state for a decade is not a joke... we've enemies roaming around so we need protection and the guards are protecting us"
He replied as he drove faster.

"Ohh" she said with a sigh.

"And stop asking so many questions" he said in disbelief.

"I just asked one question and if thts annoying you then get lost" she said with a fake angry look.

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