Chapter 21

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No proof reading so please bear with the mistakes !

They were just lying in bed holding hands. She put her palm against his and laughed at the difference. Her skin was smooth where his was rough, Small and nimble hands, where his were curvy.

In the dim light he could only enjoy the glow on her skin, the flush in her cheeks and the swollen plumpness of her lips. "I could lay here with her forever and forget everything" he thought.

"You're glowing" he whispered brushing off hair from her face.
She blushed looking down.

"Come on now get ready you said we're going out" she said getting up but was pulled back in his arms

"Come on!" She protested, "you promised!" she pouted looking at him.

"I was so bored the whole day please take me out" she faked the sad tone looking at him with pleading eyes

"We're going love , get ready" he chuckled getting up.

"Okie" she laughed and kissed his cheek and went to the washroom.

"My heaven" he mumbled closing his eyes.

She came out wearing a silk robe after shower to see him watching football match on the tv.

"You are not ready yet" she asked widening her eyes.

"I just have to put on a hoodie and come" he said looking at the tv

"Okay, can you help me pick an outfit" she asked going through her dresses

"Please" she continued but he ignored her as he was so Focused on watching football match he didn't hear her.
She frowned taking remote and turned the tv off.

"Why?" He asked innocently confused.
She narrowed her eyebrows to the dresses lying on the bed gesturing him to come and chose one.
He rolled his eyes as he got up.

"What should I wear? Dress or saree?" She asked pouting.

"Well I love it when you wear saree but I know you are not comfortable yet so wear any midi dress, hurry up baby"

"Okay so tell me which one?" She asked holding one red and one black midi dresses in both of her hands.

"This one" he pointed at red one

"But I liked this one" she said pointing at the black dress.

"Then wear black one" he said

"But you chose red one" she asked pouting at him making him roll his eyes.

"Now both of these are rejected and you're wearing this" he said taking a peach colour spaghetti strap dress to her .

"I love this dress" she replied happily

"This girl" he mumbled in disbelief as a smile tugged on his lips.

"Did I tell you're beautiful" he asked holding her from behind as she put on her makeup

",You did" she blushed.

"Bas na ab sana , if you take even a minute more you'll be lying here on the bed under me" he huskily said in her ear sending shivers down her spine.

"Um wasn't last night enough for you?" She asked boldly turning to look at him

"I'm never getting enough of you" he grabbed her by her waist and smashed his lips on hers

Before she could say anything he was already kissing her , the kiss was demanding yet soft.

"Umm you taste so sweet" he whispered before smashing his lips on hers again.
She took a long breath keeping her head on his chest when he finally let go of her lips.

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