Chapter 16

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No proof reading so please bear with mistakes !

The time was beautiful, as she just watched him with adoration, observing every detail that she can and savoring everything in her memory. She didn't know how long she laid there just watching him, but as soon as he moved in his sleep, she knew he was about to wake up. She instantly closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing passing the note that she was sleep. She heard him yawn and move his hand little up and down from her waist. She wanted to bit her lips or at least wet her lips from the excitement from his hands but she knew this will reveal her whole stare moment. She felt his fingers move to her face, creasing her cheeks as she just did to him. She felt him tug a strand of hair behind her hair before she felt his hot breath near her ear.

"I know you are awake." He whispered letting out a mischievous chuckle. "Open your eyes, now," he said as he played with some of her hair falling on her neck. Her cheeks became red at the very moment, she was caught. She opened her eyes, meeting the pair of gorgeous black eyes. He was looking at her with so many emotions evident in his eyes just difficult to point at one.

"Good morning" he greeted as he placed a light kiss on her forehead.

"Morning," she whispered as she closed her eyes from the impact of the enlightenment of the kiss.

"What is the time?" She asked almost in a hurry knowing that he was about to either tease her or ask her about the staring story. He released a low chuckle knowing what she was doing. He still let it slide, knowing how shy she was. He turned
his back a little to let his hand search the phone resting on the lampstand.

"It is 7:30 " he whispered as he settled the phone down the table again returning to the same position.

"We are late." She exclaimed as she quickly sat up looking around for her dress that was resting on the table aside.

"Late for what?" He asked as he settled himself on the sofa crossing his legs untangling the sheets previously covering them.

"Late for home Sidharth it's 7:30 almost breakfast time" She asked as she continued to pace around the room searching for her lost bra.

"Yes We are late but you don't need to worry about them sana , I'll handle it" He said as he got out of the sofa.

"They will get wrong ideas knowing we spent the night in different place" she mumbled anxiously

"So what We're married" he said making her cheek flush.
After about ten to fifteen minutes both of them were ready to head back home. Sana was still wearing his shirt as he refused to take it back claiming that the saree would take a while to put back on. She couldn't agree more. The shirt reached down her thighs as it was quite big for her. She was embarrassed by how clearly her legs were visible but the only option left was to put the saree back on which was conflicting for her to do.

"Okay, let's go now," he said as he walked towards the backdoor before stopping on an instant. "Sana take these keys and settle down in the car, I will lock this door."

"But I can stand and wait for the-"

"Don't argue sana. People will be out. I know it's still morning but still, I don't want anyone to see you like this. Sit in the car, I am coming." He stated sternly as he took the lock from her before gesturing her to move towards the car giving her the keys. The car was parked really close to the door, she looked around to see no one but she quickly settled herself in the car. He was back in a second

"I'm scared if anyone from home see me in this clothes" she asked looking at him

"They won't, we'll directly go upstairs by back door" he said in assurance

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