Chapter 30

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"I'm not angry!"

She looked here and there knowing well he had caught her visibly seething with anger when he was talking to Ayesha on a call.

"Are you by any chance jealous?" She narrowed her eyes. "I'm not!"

"Don't lie. You don't like it when ayesha calls me Right? Scratch ayesha whenever any woman tries coming close to me you don't like it."

"It's not like that."

"Admit it Sana. It is like this only."

She pushed him away and took a sharp breath.

"So? Does it make any difference? You have always been an eye candy among ladies. Be it in mumbai or here . Quite a female fan following you have got. If I'm affected or not you shouldn't be bothered. Never mind! I'm out."

She turned to leave when he spun her around holding her gently.

"So much lack of belief in your husband and his feelings hun?"

She couldn't say anything. She knew it was her frustration which spoke on her behalf. She was well aware that he was never the one to enjoy the attention from other women no matter how many issues he had with his wife.

"Listen to me carefully now. She's interested in me or not that's her issue not mine, It was always you. Always have been and always will be. Before you came into my life I had few attachments here and there which ended before they even got started. And it was nothing serious. Casual dating. But then you happened. It was different with you. You were my friend. A close one, Sana. And the night our penthouse. That was the first time I touched someone like that. What havoc our life went through after that, I don't have to tell you but even after you were gone from my life no one was allowed to even come close to me. Enjoying attention from anyone other than my own woman? That's not me baby. You know me that well don't you?"

He shook his head and left her arm feeling low knowing she was not sure about this. But he could barely take two steps when she held his wrist from behind.

He turned around and found her eyes welled up.

"I'm sorry! I was just.."

She took a deep breath.

"You are right I was feeling jealous and angry and I couldn't stop myself from lashing on you. I don't know what comes over me when I see these woman eyeing you. I just....okay...l'm sorry Sidharth..."

She pouted with teary eyes when he could feel his control slipping from his hand. She was much affected on seeing someone trying to come close to him. He smiIed and the next moment she was backed against the wall.


Her words stopped in her throat as his lips crashed on hers. She was shocked and didn't know how to react but her heart knew she wanted this as much as him. In few seconds she clutched his collar and kissed him back with equal passion. His kiss was telling her it was just her. It was always only her.

His hand landed on her waist pulling her even closer. She moaned in his mouth when his lips moved into perfect sync over hers. It was different. It was raw and passionate.

He lowered his head, his mouth going down on her lips passionately. His kiss soon deepened, becoming more demanding as his hand moved down her body. His tongue pushed it's way between her lips, tickling the roof of her mouth. Moaning he tore free from her lips and moved down, savouring the taste of her breasts before moving down her stomach, leaving soft kisses as he made his way to between her legs.

He felt her fingers running roughly through
his hair, her body twitched when he licked
her pussy, his tongue going inside her.

"You taste so sweet," he said after she had her first orgasm. Moving back up he kissed her with so much hunger and passion as he slowly entered her when she opened her legs for him. He wanted to move slowly but apparently, she was not in the mood for taking it slow and easy. He was losing control when she started moving her hips up and down, matching each thrust he made with her own as she pushed upwards into him. Soon he started going faster, harder as he pounded his cock into her until they both got their release, coming together.

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