Chapter 15

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Excited? Me too!!!

I'm not sure if you guys will like the next chapters but I've tried my best.
English isn't my first language nor my mother tongue so y'all please ignore the grammatical errors.

You all probably have to reread one previous chapter to remember the plot of the story :-) sorry guys ♡♡


No proof reading so please bear with the mistakes !

"That day when we were in the reception party I heard some aunties talking about how they thought you and ayesha would get married since you both are close and family friends" sana replied feebly

"And you believed on them ?" He asked hoarsely.

"No I.. didn't believe them because I trusted you but when I heard it by myself I couldn't stop myself from believing it"

"Wait? You heard? What did you hear? He asked in confusion

"You confessed your feelings to her" she answered wistfully

"Wait... now I know what exactly you're talking about" he spoke in disbelief.

"You don't trust me even a bit sana?" He asked dejectedly

"I can't trust you after what happened 3 years back" she mumbled looking away from him.

"Let me tell you the truth now, give my phone" he said pointing at his phone which was lying beside her.
She Looked at him in confusion as she gave him his phone.

"I missed you so much ayesha, I love you,
Only few more months, then I'll be back to you love" , were these the exact words you heard me saying sana?" He asked
She nodded in agreement

"Can you see this? These are the messages sent by Luke Ayesha's boyfriend...he sent the messages to me so that I can show it to Ayesha since she was mad at him.....they had a fight and she had blocked him"

"He called me and told me that she was mad because he couldn't come to meet her , he stays in Canada so he had send these messages to me so that she could watch it by herself and forgive I was reading these messages for her which her boyfriend sent.... she's engaged misunderstood all this" he explained.

Sana shifted down on the couch from his lap , she was numb would be an understatement....

"I didn't know you would take it this way....why didn't you come to me and clear everything sana" he asked in disbelief

"Its me who is at fault , I've never been an ideal boyfriend for you so this lack of trust" he sighed.

"It's not your fault, I'm sorry" she said
As her eyes gazed back at him, with so many emotions, he felt his heart being embraced by her warmness as she hugged him

He missed her warmness, her touches, her scent. He missed her!

"I'm sorry" She mumbled getting up and stood at the window gazing outside
His eyes continued to devour the beautiful figure in front of him "My little Moon"

He stood behind her wrapping his arms around her waist as they watched the moon. She spun back looking at him with tears in her eyes. He smiled wiping the tears from her cheeks and kissed her lips.
Her hair nudged at her face tenderly, as the night breeze blowed past them through that open window.... He still had her against the window and she still had her arms loosely hang around his neck as she tried to steady her breathes after what they just did. He moved closer, as he rest his forehead on hers, exchanging the same air, while his arms cuddled her into him as if she would cease away if he let her go.

She looked absolutely, undoubtedly much more gorgeous up this close. Her long eyelashes rests upon her cheekbones every time she blinked, and then revealed those dark chocolate brown eyes that had the power to shatter any heart in this planet. Her round chubby cheeks looked like they were made out of marshmallows, while her lips could tempt any guy out there.

Every move of her defined more of the perfectness,

"I love your eyes when they are locked into mine, love how your hands are still around me. I love how you loosens up in my touch. I love how your lips are slightly parted as you breath" he confessed without thinking anything.

"I love you and I'm sorry for misunderstanding you" she confessed as a sob escaped her mouth

"Then does this mean that we are giving a chance to this relationship?" he regretted saying it as soon as those words escaped his mouth.

He could see the happy comfortable vibes disappearing, and replacing with uncertainty in the air.
She trailed down her eyes to his hands, that were joined together in front of them , lowering down her head in front of him she gazed at their hands

he knew this gesture of her, she was hesitant.

How many times had he left her waiting at their dates for hours? Or didn't even cared to show up? He was a workaholic.
"But I'm gonna work from now on. I 'm going to earn smiles for her"

But they couldnt expect each other to trust them and simply let them back in each other's lives again.

"You don't know many things Sidharth" she whispered.

She had faced hard times coping up with all the loneliness he had thrown on to her. And he could see it in her eyes that she just wasn't ready to face them again neither was he.....She looked so vulnerable, that the pain clutched his heart making it hard to breathe for him

He cupped her face, tilting it upwards to have her look at him, "I know but we have to work on it love"

The fear and insecurity in his voice surprised her, as much as it surprised him!

She looked in his eyes as if searching for some answers in them.

Finally she spoke, "okay"

"Do you trust me?" He asked cupping her face.

"I want to trust you this time" she whispered placing her hand on his cheek

"Thank you" he said smiling as he pulled her down on the couch.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked nervously as she laid down beside him.

"Um hmm now I'm comfortable" he replied pulling her body on top of him wrapping his arms around her.
His thumb rubbed circles against her skin letting the comfort and warmth reach to her. There was a new found emotion in both of their eyes. It was like they didn't even know how they reached there. Just staring in each other eyes, they fell asleep with the comfort and warmth surrounding them.

The sun rays bathed on Sana's face as she stirred from those falling on her face. The comfort was too much to describe as she lunged more into him enjoying the very last minute of the warmth. She felt him pull her even close. She opened her eyes to observe his arm was tenderly wrapped around her waist still having enough strength to keep her at the place.

She observed his face as the sun rays entering the room through the corners of the window fell down on his face. He looked like an angel so pure and innocent. His black hairs were falling down on his forehead covering one of his eyes, while his lips were parted a little bit. Her head was resting on his arm while their legs were tangled together, they both laid together and tangled with each other, laying together in the comfort.

Sana was unable to help herself when she moved her hand a little ahead to crease
his strong jaw. It was subtle with some
of his unshaved hair presents, providing
a rough yet comforting skin. He stirred from the notion as she immediately withdrew her hand from his face, not wanted to be caught admiring him.

When he didn't say anything and his breathing became normal, she moved her hand again, this time moving his hair aside which were falling on his face. He scrunched his eyebrows together probably feeling her touch. The little notion made her smile on how innocent he looked.

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