The Leap into the Unknown

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Destiny always gives you a chance to choose and your choice decides your fate

"Aden will always remember what you did for this world. You will forever live in the hearts of Adeners. Goodbye, sister. See you soon."

Standing on the Deck of Nineteen Martyrs, Shaun gave Jennifer a parting hug. The new loop was just two weeks old. A fortnight of upheaval that brought calm, chaos that restored order, war that ended tyranny, destruction that paved the way for progress, death that gave hope to life, and darkness that ushered a bright day. These worlds had turned upside down and the fortunes of the two sisters had transformed in the last fourteen days.

Jennifer looked into her cousin's eyes. "Brother, take good care of this world and its people. They all are now your responsibility."

She bid adieu to everyone else and waved to the massive crowd that had gathered there to say farewell to their Savior. She tightly held her husband's hand and had one last look at the world she was never going to see again.

She leaped into the Eye of Tenebra. The whirlpool sucked her in. She didn't emerge on the other end, as expected, rather felt something pulling her down. She frantically kicked her legs to stay afloat, but then her eyes fell on something and she just froze. The water around her had turned crimson. Blood red. Hundreds of dead bodies were swirling in the water. She felt a twinge in her heart and gave up her struggle. Her body started to sink into the endless abyss. Water entered her lungs. Quite ironically, she was about to die in the same whirlpool that connected the two worlds she had saved. Life began to drain out as darkness engulfed her. And then there was a flash of bright light.

Chapter One

The Leap into the Unknown.

When events around you go haywire, when everything stops making sense, leap into the Unknown


The Fourth Loop, Year 491, 1st January (4L/491/01/01)

"You must leap."

Solomon was standing on the Bridge of Faith, a long wooden bridge built precisely above the spot where a giant whirlpool mysteriously appeared at the start of every decade, when he heard the whisper. He wasn't sure whether that voice came from within or from the amulet he was wearing. Solomon stared at the Abyss of Unknown, swirling below him. No one knew why this bridge was here, yet he believed there must be a reason.

Leap into a whirlpool? Yes, the situation is critical but is it that desperate?

In those few seconds of indecision, his mind went back to the events of the last few days. He still couldn't understand how his circumstances had changed so drastically, from being busy preparing for a grand ceremony a few hours ago to running for his life now.

He remembered how his father, King Isaac the Enlightened, had hinted about this upheaval during a dinner. Solomon had noticed that off late Isaac hadn't been himself. He rarely came home, barely talked, and didn't even eat properly. His health was deteriorating as well.

"Father, is there any problem? Something doesn't feel right." Solomon finally decided to ask his father.

Isaac, always a very composed person, gave a grim smile. "I must admit that things aren't going smoothly for the last few years. However, all that has reached a crescendo in recent months."

"What is the issue?"

"Elisium is a world of truth and justice. Its people treasure their morals and values. But lately, a shadow of darkness has started to grow within our ranks."

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