Earth To Mars: Chapter 13

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Friday rolled around and it had been almost a week. He had never been away for this long after we had an argument and it honestly scared me half to death. He would at least call, so I knew this was different. I begged Phil and Eric everyday if we could call the police. Each time, I got the same response. "Diamond, I promise you he's fine. He just needs time to think." Eric said while hugging me the day before. I just took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I tried to make sense of that. I guess he knew his brother best. I just at least wanted to hear his voice, I dialed his number for at least the thousandth time and of course, no answer.

I sat the beers on the counter and pulled out my wallet. "Is this all for you?" the clerk asked scanning them. "Yup." He looked up at me, "You look familiar." "Really now?" I said with little emotion. "Yes, I just don't know where from. But, I am so sorry for bothering you." I shook my head, "Nah man it's good." I grabbed the case and walked out. I drove myself back to the hotel. I kind of figured Diamond wouldn't come looking for me. I looked over to my phone in the passenger seat. I debated on calling her but I shook the thoughts away. Once again, I sat in the parking lot and drank as much as I could.

I still never understood how the radio always played sad music when you were sad, it's like they knew. I looked around to all of Bruno's stuff as I sat on the edge of the bed. Where could he be without clothes? I felt my phone vibrating and looked at it.

My eyes widened as I seen his picture, "Bruno. Oh my fucking god. Where are you?" "Please don't yell at me..." "I'm sorry.." I said wrinkling my forehead and quieting my voice. "Babe.. please tell me where you are, you got everyone worried." "I can't," he said almost at a whisper.

"What do you mean you can't? Where are you, I'll come and get you." I got up and went to my closet as I began to put on clothes. "No Diamond, I can't come back. It just isn't right." "Bruno you made wrong decisions okay. But, that doesn't mean you can't make it right." He didn't say anything. "Bruno!" "What?!" he said raising his voice back. "Where are you...?" "I love you so much, okay?" he said making me close my eyes. I knew he was drunk. "I love you too so much more." I cried. "Please no matter what, just know that okay?" "I already knew this baby, let's just talk okay?" He hung up. I looked at my phone in shock, "What the fuck.." I whispered to myself. I called back, but of course he didn't no answer. I started to panic, he sounded terrible. I instantly called Phil.

I stumbled into the lobby. "Bruno?" I looked up and at the guy, "Huh?" He looked around and then back at me, "What are you doing here?" I remembered his face, but not his name. "Nothing.." He looked at me confused, "Where's Diamond?" I shook my head and kept walking. "What the hell is going on?" he asked me. I ignored him and glanced back as I got to the elevator.

"No Phil, he wouldn't tell me!" I cried pacing back and forth. "He sounded bad, real bad. He made think..." I held back more tears. "I can't even say it." My phone started to beep, I looked at it, Deondrea. "Phil, I'll call you right back." "Hello?" "Dimes, where are you?" "At home, why?" "What's going on with Bruno?" I hadn't told him what happened. He would have worried way too much. "I don't know right now, why'd you ask that?" "I'm down here at the Sheraton and he was here?" My heart dropped. Why was he there? "Did he look hurt?" "No but he was pretty drunk." Fuck. "Okay, I'm on my way down there." I hung up and hurried as fast as I could downtown.

I called Phil and told him everything and he told me he would get down there as soon as possible. I ran into the lobby looking around frantically. I saw Deondrea and ran up to him, "Do you know where he went?" He shook his head, "No, I asked him what was going on and he ignored me." "Okay, I'll be back." I walked over to the front desk. "Hi, do you have Bruno Mars staying here?" She went to her computer and looked through her records. "Well yes I do, but I wouldn't be able to tell you the room number ma'am I'm sorry." "Please listen to me, I'm his girlfriend we've been dating for three years. I wouldn't lie to you. He's not doing too well and he needs me right now. Please I beg you."

She looked at me and shook her head. "Ma'am I completely understand but, as much I would like to let you go up there I can't." I put my head down on the counter and let out a breath, this was not happening..

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