Earth To Mars: Chapter 5

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He frowned, "What do you mean?" I didn't want to jump to any conclusions but I just felt like I couldn't stop being quiet for too long. "I just want to know.." I lied. "Baby, I have no reasons to lie to you okay?" I smiled, "Okay." He kissed me, "You need any help with anything?" "You, wanting to help in the kitchen?" I touched his forehead, "You're not running a fever are you?!" He grabbed my hand and smirked, "Real funny." He went back in the living room. Once again, I pushed the situation to the back of my head. Arguing right now was pointless, everyone was coming over and I wanted to have a good time.

I clicked the TV off and decided to go and change hats or clothes. I took my baseball cap off and hung it on the hat rack. Diamond had got me one for Christmas about a year ago, she said she was tired of seeing them everywhere. I grabbed my black and grey fedora and put it on in the mirror. I guess I can wear these clothes, we're not going anywhere. I walked back in the living room and I could instantly smell the chicken. I went in the kitchen and sat at the bar and watched Diamond. I put my hands under my chin like a little kid. She peeked over to me, "So you have nothing else better to do?" "Nope." "You sure?" "Nope." I did this to her almost every time she cooked, and she always said the same thing. I loved little things like that. Those mean't the most.

Bruno helped me get out plates and and cups. While I was putting the last plate down the doorbell rang. Phil and Jasmine walked in with the all too familiar brown paper bag. I hugged them both. "Them chicken wings smelling nice!" Phil said hanging up his coat. "You know I had to throw down." I said taking more fries out of the deep fryer. They all went and sat on the couch in the living room. I was almost done cooking, thank god. It seemed like I was over the stove a lot longer then I was. The doorbell rang again. Bruno ran to the door like a little kid, "I got it!" I looked over and seen Michelle and Cary walk in. I went and hugged Michelle, "How goes everything?" "Beautiful." "How's my god son?" "Bad as hell!" I laughed, "He's a sweetheart." I never thought I would see the day that Michelle got married before me, but she ended up doing all the right things. Her son was almost 3 now, and time was just flying past me. I honestly wanted to have kids, but it just wasn't the time for it. I hugged Cary, "How you been?" "Staying alive." I nodded, "I feel you." I really liked Cary, he was perfect for Michelle in every way.

I went over and took the rest of the fries out and put them in bowl and put them on the table. Michelle came in with all the chicken, "You threw down girl! This is more chicken then I think Phil can eat in one day!" I laughed. "Hey don't be saying my name!" he said coming into the dining room. "Don't worry chicken was in the same sentence." I said said. "Alright, then you in the clear." We started laughing. I missed having everyone together. It had been a good couple months. I saw Bruno reaching his hand out for a chicken wing. "Bruno..." He grabbed it really fast and put it behind his back. He looked around like something really fast, "Huh? What's going on?" I kissed him, "Get a plate." He smiled. The door bell rang again. I got the chance to open it this time.

It was Heather and Trent. I hugged them both, "You won't believe who I found..." Heather said. "Who?" I said stepping over to let them in. I saw someone walking to up the path but I couldn't see their face. "Diamond!" "Oh my god, Karmen! Where have you been?!" I hadn't seen her in years. After college she moved to New York to work with different music artists. I was so happy to see her. "Come in, come in." She looked around, "Beautiful home." "Thanks, I try." I looked at her, "You must be at the wrong party!" She wore a black fitted dress, heels, and bright red lipstick. Her curly brown hair flowed down her back. "Yeah I'm going out tonight." "I don't blame you!" She looked around, "Where's Bruno?" I looked around, "I don't know he was just in the kitchen."

I looked at myself in the mirror. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped my forehead. I knew she was doing this on purpose, she's testing me. I started pacing back and forth in the small bathroom. I took a deep breath, "You got this Bruno." I whispered to myself. Before I walked out I looked at myself one more time in the mirror and nodded.

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