Earth To Mars: Chapter 45

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"Alright we'll be over in an hour." he said. I hung up. "We got another guitarist coming." I said smiling. "Alright!" Phil said. We had been looking out for a couple guys to play instruments since we planned on going on tour for my album. I was excited to go on tour, my name was finally going to be in shining lights.

We finally agreed on a dress for everyone, and decided we would go to check out the hall for the reception. We arrived and I really liked the hall, it seemed big enough and the price was reasonable. Carla was so excited for the whole process, you would think she would be overwhelmed. I guess it could be a mixture of both. We left transportation, and food up to Karmeron. He seemed to be okay with that. Tori had a friend of her's do the cake and I helped with anything I could. With all the talented friends she had, she didn't have to hire a wedding planner.

She ended up asking Bruno to perform at the wedding and of course I was ecstatic about that. I couldn't wait to see Bruno in that damn tuxedo, it was killing me. After spending most of the day getting fitted for dresses and looking at the hall we dedicated we would all go to The Palm for dinner. We went and I made sure I got myself a nice steak. I looked at my phone and it was already almost ten pm. I decided to head home since I had work early tomorrow.

I was writing again when there was a knock on the door. Phil waved at me, "I got it." I nodded and continued writing. I was almost done with this song and I would finally be able to put a melody to it. I heard laughter and I looked up to see Ryan and Phil walk in with a asian guy. I stood up and shook his hand, "I'm Bruno man, nice to meet you."

He nodded, "I'm Kenjamin Chan, nice to meet you Bruno." "Wanna throw on a guitar and show me what you got?" I said looking over to the guitars. "It would be my pleasure." We went and threw on guitars and started playing random keys and notes. He was really good, better then I expected honestly. After we we're done I shook his hand again, "Not bad man, not bad at all." He smiled, "Thanks I appreciate it." I looked over to Ryan and nodded. He picked a good one. I took off my guitar and set up back on the rack.

"So Kenjamin, is it any kind of nickname that we can call you?" "Kenji is fine." "Kenji it is my man!" I said sitting back on the couch. Phil shook his hand, "Welcome." "Thanks guys, I'm really looking forward to going on tour." he said looking around to everyone. "So am I." I said kicking my feet up. I could just see it now, me and all of these guys touring the world, playing sold out shows. I still wasn't done finding everyone though, but Kameron told me he had a friend to introduce me too that could possibly play base alongside me.

I walked straight into the house and hung my keys up and fell right into the couch. I had no idea why I was so tired. I wondered what magic Bruno and the guys we're making in the studio tonight. My phone started ringing startling me. I struggled to get it out of my pocket. It was Deondrea, he never calls me this late. "Hello?" "Diamond." "Yes..?" "What are you doing?" I sat up a little bit, "Well, I just got in...why what's up?" The phone got silent, he was scaring me. "Deondrea, what's going on?"

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