Earth To Mars: Chapter 14

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I felt a hand on my back. "Hello ma'am how you doing? My name is Phillip Lawrence. Is Bruno Mars here?" I lifted my head up and looked at Phil. "I mean yes he is, but that's all I can say." Phil pulled out his phone, "I'm his best friend, we've been friends for years on top of years." He showed her a picture of him and Bruno dancing while on stage. "We've had gigs in this hotel." She looked around, "Listen I'm really not supposed to be doing this and well I could basically lose my job if something happened to him. I actually remember you guys. Please, just don't let anyone know youre going up here," she said writing on a piece of paper. "Thank you so much ma'am. I promise you everything will be fine." he said. Thank god for Phil I thought to myself as I smiled.

She slid it across to us, I read it. Top floor, room 2703. "Thank you so much," I said as we walked away from the desk. "Listen Diamond, I want to let ya'll have your privacy so you go up there, and ya'll talk." I nodded, "Thanks Phil." He hugged me, "Call me, I'll be down here." I ran to find the elevator. I got on and pressed the highest button, floor 27. I closed my eyes and prayed as I waited for it. I was praying that he wasn't up here with Karmen and If she was here, that would be my worst nightmare. I just hoped we could talk and work everything out.

I got off and looked down both halls. I read a sign telling me that rooms 2700+ was to the left and I walked that way. I walked past 3 doors and found it. I took a deep breath and knocked. The door crept open, it wasn't even closed. What the hell I thought to myself as I went in and quietly closed the door behind me. There was no one there. "Bruno.." I called out walking around. I still got no answer.

It was a pretty big room and I caught myself looking at all of the details of it. I looked over and saw his hat on the bed. I sighed in relief, at least he was here. I walked into the bathroom, and there was still no one there. It actually looked like not many things hadn't been touched.

I walked into a living area and empty bottles of alcohol and cans of beers. My heart sank a little and I rubbed my arms a little to try to contain the chill that rushed through my body. I wished he didn't drink, it only made things worst. I went up to the window and looked out across the city before my eyes drifted off to the side of the building. I saw Bruno sitting on the edge of the building his legs dangling over. I grabbed my head some, "What the fuck!" I yelled.

I ran out of the room as fast as I could and looked both ways again. I had no idea to get out there. I went down each door looking for the entrance outside. I finally came to a door that read. Do Not Enter.

I opened it anyway and a gust of wind hit me. I ran around a small corner and seen Bruno sitting there. There were countless beer bottles next to him on the ground. "Bruno.." He turned around and looked at me, his eyes we're more red than I had ever seen them and there we're tears on his face.

I slowly started walking towards him, "Don't come over here!" he yelled. I stopped and stood there as my tears begin to fall. "Bruno.. what are you doing?" I cried. "I can't deal with this anymore," he said still looking down. "Bruno, look at me!" I yelled. He looked back at me. "What is wrong with you.. you can't do this." I whispered. I couldn't bring myself to say it. If he ever did something like this I would not be the same, ever. "I don't deserve to be here, I can't do anything right." I cried even more, what was he saying.

"Bruno.. you're so amazing, you're so talented, and you have fans. Your family loves you, Phil loves you and.. I.. I love you.." He shook his head, "Look at me Diamond, I can't stop drinking and fucking cheating," he began clenching his jaw. "I've been struggling for years and I've barely accomplished shit!"

"Please stop talking like that. You have time to make it right, I promise. Everything will be okay. I promise please, please." I cried. He turned away from me and put his arms at his side. "Bruno oh my fucking god please!" I said carefully dropping down to my knees as I cried harder. "You can make this all right please just please." I'm dreaming, I know I am. Bruno would never do anything like this. Would somebody please wake me the fuck up..

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