Earth To Mars: Chapter 54

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I pulled up to the studio to find a couple cars that I didn't recognize. I parked and walked up to the door. I could hear a lot of voices inside. I walked in to find the everyone here. "Nice of everyone to show up." I said smiling and shaking hands. I finally got to the new guy I shook his hand also, "What's up man, I'm Bruno." He smiled, "I'm Jamero, but everybody just calls me Jam." I nodded, "Jam is it, welcome." He looked around, "So I'm hearing you guys got a gig or something coming up?" "Oh na, it's really not a gig we're just performing for a friend's wedding." "Oh alright alright, do you need me to help with any of that?" I looked over to the guitar rack, "Actually, I think I may need you on base."

I raised my voice, "Alright guys, I don't know about ya'll but I'm ready to get to work. I want us to at least looks like we did something productive." I smirked, "Like Papa Mars always told me, do somethin' with yourself, boy!" I gained the attention of everyone and got a couple smiles.

I sat on the couch flipping through TV channels. I never realized that I didn't watch TV much before. Michelle came into the living room, "Finally got that boy to take a damn nap." I smiled, "Well that's good." She sat down next to me, "So how you holding up?" I sighed, "I mean I'm okay.. if that says anything.." "Alright well, how are you feeling about the wedding and stuff?" "I'm excited, I'm so happy for Carla." I said honestly. She smiled and nodded, "Me too girl, I love weddings. I think marriage is a beautiful thing." "I guess so.." I said nodding slowly.

She frowned at me a bit, "Why guess?" I shrugged, "I really don't know, nothings been coming out right lately." "Do you even care about marriage?" I looked down, "I mean yeah I do but, it's a difficult subject for me." She nodded, "You know, marriage is a valuable commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly." The word commitment echoed in my head. It honestly was the biggest part of a relationship. "Yeah, so should a relationship, and look how that turned out.." 

"Let's hope you don't fuck up this wedding like you did the last one." Eric said. Phil and Ari chuckled. Oh god, here we go. Jam turned to Eric, "What happened?" Damnit, don't ask! "Well Mr. Mars here got drunk as shit the night before we we're to perform at a wedding and showed up in just his boxers and half of suit." Everyone shifted their attention back to me. Phil, Ari, Eric, and Ryan burst out laughing. I felt my face turn red. I flipped them off and walked over to the guitar rack. "Alright enough jokes losers, let's do this shit!"

"And who's fault was that? Look, we all have our pitfalls. You've screwed him over as much as he's screwed you over. But, does that mean you stop loving each other? No. If you did, you wouldn't be sitting here on my couch, flipping the channels, sighing hopelessly at life at the life you now have. I know you truly love him. There's absolutely no denying that. But, you both need to learn the value in each other. That's the key. Yes, we all fuck up and get knocked down and betrayed. But what truly counts is how you try or even attempt to fix it. Do you want to marry him?" I sat in silence, I didn't know how to respond to any of it. But, it was all true. Yeah I wanted to marry Bruno, but we both just weren't ready for it. She stood up, "You know just think about that." I looked up and she walked away.

I looked down to my hands, Phil had told me once before that Bruno wanted to marry me. But, I needed to hear him say it. I needed the words to leave his lips.

We played Just The Way You Are a few times and it sounded really nice. I was excited to do it on a stage. It would be my first time performing the song, and I had something special planned out in my head. I couldn't wait till' next Friday.

The next day I arrived at the church. I sat in the car and took a deep breath. It was like I could hear my own heart beating. Why was I so nervous? It was just damn rehearsals.

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