Earth To Mars: Chapter 34

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Phil and I got in my car while Phred followed behind with Eric. "Where should we go?" I asked Phil. He thought for a second, "Maybe we can hit up fourteen below tonight?" I nodded, "Good idea."

When we got there we parked around back and I went towards the V.I.P. section. "Hey hey Bruno." he said smiling. I had no idea who he was, but I guess he recognized me. I shook his hand, "What's good." "Nothing man, it's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled, "Aw thanks." He put purple wrist bands on all of us, "Alright guys be safe." I didn't like the way he said that, but I went on in anyway.

Michelle flipped over her card, "Aw shit waterfall!" I rubbed my face, "I can't do any more waterfalls!" Michelle started drinking and we all followed. After it was finally done I felt lightheaded. "I think I'm gonna be done now." I said laying back on the couch. "You throwing in the towel already?" Jasmine said. I waved my hand, "Yes." "Come on we almost out of cards." Tori said. "Yeah you're at home." Carla added. "Alright alright bitches, I'll do it." I said sitting back up.

We walked down into the V.I.P. lounge where they we're playing live music. Phil elbowed me, "Let's go do a song." I looked at him crazy, "Na man. I didn't come out to sing." "But, you know you want too." He was actually right, I loved performing. I loved seeing people have a good time and dance to what I was producing. "You right, well let me get a couple drinks in, and then I guess we could cover a couple songs." "Sounds like a plan." We walked over to the bar and I sat at a stool. I adjusted my hat and waited for a bartender to come over. "What'll you have?" he said wiping off the counter in front of me, "Rum, ginger ale, ice. Please." He nodded, "Coming right up."

I put my head down and started thinking about Diamond. I couldn't call her now that I'm in this bar. I assumed that she was with the girls so I didn't bother calling.

I downed another shot and slouched over. I looked up at the ceiling and thought about Bruno. It's been hours since we talked. It was way too loud in here for me to call him. He was most likely with the guys so I didn't bother calling.

After my second drink I was feeling good. A tall girl with dark brown hair came and sat next to me. She wore a long red dress which I have to say showed off her cleavage really well. She looked at me and I smiled. "I know you." "Yeah?" "I'm trying to remember you're name now." I nodded, "I'll wait." She thought for another couple seconds, "Bruno. Bruno Mars?" I smiled from ear to ear, "Ding ding we got a winner." She laughed, "You're a cutie." "Aw, thanks sweetie." "So, you performing?" she said sipping her drink. "I guess I could go up and do a couple songs." "I would really like that." I looked over to the stage and it looked like the band up there was about done. "I got you." I said getting up.

I was damn near ready to pass out when the doorbell rang, "Who the hell is at my door?" I said slurring my words. Jasmine jumped up, "I'll get it." She walked back in the room, "Look who decided to show up." I leaned up and looked to see Karmen. She raised her hands, "You guys started without me?" I laughed, "I could've swore I called you!" Michelle looked at me, "You didn't.." "Oh." I started laughing again for no reason, I was so hammered..

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