missed ya

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tuesday, january 12th


you gasped once atsumu's shocked exprsssion
had settled properly in your mind. him being the
other friend suzume had mentioned was not
something you ever thought was possible.

she was in arts and he was in kines, how would
they have met? through her boyfriend?

you pushed away the thoughts and shook your
head with a smile, overall happy that you were
seeing him, too.

"hey guys!"

you greeted suzume first, giving her a tight hug
before turning to atsumu who looked like he
was also expecting a hug.

miya atsumu
"what the fuck? you and
suzume are friends?"

you laughed with him and nodded in response.

koizumi suzume
"waitㅡyou guys know each

the cream-colour haired girl's brows rose, her
expression rather pleasant at the sight of you
and atsumu obviously already comfortable
with one another.

you gave suzume a smile.

"yeah! we had a handful of
classes together in winter
for first year and then fall
for second."

miya atsumu
"we're both in kinesiology so
i saw her around a lot."

koizumi suzume
"what! that's awesome! that
makes things much lighter
and lunch will for sure not
be so awkward."

you laughed and nodded before turning to
give atsumu some of your attention.

he took a step forward and opened his arms,
greeting you with a quick hug like he usually
would. he wrapped his arms around your waist
and gave you a small squeeze before pulling
away and giving you a bright grin.

sakusa kiyoomi
"so cute."

this made the blond's expression fall immediately
and he turned away from you to glare at suzume's

miya atsumu
"shut yer trap, asshole."

sakusa smirked, raising a brow as if to provoke
atsumu before he relaxed his expression to look
at you.

he gave you a small smile which you returned.

sakusa kiyoomi
"hi y/n, nice to see you again."

you chuckled.

"nice to see you too, sakusa."

koizumi suzume
"so! lunch?"

everyone turned to suzume and agreed, the
group beginning to head through the building
to get to the parking lot.

as much as atsumu wanted to stick around
you, though, he held back since he knew you
and suzume probably had a lot of girly things
to catch up with.

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