birthday cake and wishes

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wednesday, january 21st


being back homeㅡor well the boys' homeㅡ
came with a comforting feeling. it was warm
inside and was quite cozy, truly giving you
a sense of home.

everyone was already showered and freshened
up for bed, dressed in much more comfortable
clothing, but celebrations weren't over yet as
you all still needed to have cake.

you found it funny that suzume was the one
who made her own cakeㅡbaked it, decorated
it, and even put it in a cute little cake box just
to take it out.

she even piped "happy 20th!" on the cute
little cake she made which was quite

a good form of self-love.

"are you gonna make suna's
cake too?"

you leaned forward from the kitchen island
to get a better look at the cake while suzume
rummaged through their cabinets to find

it was an elegant 6 inch strawberry shortcake
that looked to be iced to perfection with heavy
cream as opposed to buttercream and topped
with candied strawberries and dollops of the
whipped cream.

koizumi suzume
"i'm not sure since we'll be
out for the weekend."

koizumi suzume
"i usually only bake when i
have the time."

you hummed, smiling to yourself.

"wanna bake my birthday cake
for me when it rolls around?"

suzume laughed and nodded, closing one of
the drawers and standing straight to face you.
she gave you a warm smile.

koizumi suzume
"yeah, i wouldn't mind."

she then returned to the cake, looking down
at it.

koizumi suzume
"i can't find any candles..."

miya atsumu
"ya what?"

you turned at atsumu's voice and watched him
make his way towards the two of you, walking
towards you first to gently pat your back for
no reason.

he then walked towards suzume's side and
stood beside her, almost towering over the
shorter girl as he exaggerated his observation
of the cake she made.

miya atsumu

you chuckled and rolled your eyes.

koizumi suzume
"like you have the right to
judge my cake when you
don't even bake."

the shorter girl gently jabbed atsumu's side
which got a small yelp from him.

miya atsumu
"ey! hands off!"

she scoffed lightly and you laughed.

koizumi suzume
"anyway. do you guys have
candles or something? i
looked through every cabinet
and drawer and i can't find

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