as a friend and as a lover

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wednesday, february 3rd


sakusa let out a small huff and walked off the
court to join his teammates over where their
waterbottles were for a break.

the rest of the team decided to head out to
grab protein smoothies before returning to
the gym which left the boys alone.

suna tossed him his waterbottle which he
caught and he turned away to drink it.

hinata shouyou
"are you okay, omi-san?"

bokuto koutarou
"yeah! you're hitting spikes
a bit harder."

bokuto koutarou
"what's got you all fired up?"

sakusa let out a sigh.

"i'm not fired up."

"i have a lot of homework."

suna laughed.

suna rintarou
"your spikes are aggressive
over homework?"

miya atsumu
"i'd imagine it's deeper than

sakusa scoffed.

hinata shouyou
"is everything okay?"

the ginger tilted his head.


"don't worry, shouyou."

hinata tilted his head to the other side,
thought for a moment, then nodded.

sakusa sighed.

"have any of you been
with suzume lately?"

atsumu and suna glanced at each other
with a knowing smile before turning back
to sakusa.

suna rintarou
"so this is about suzume, huh?"

sakusa rolled his eyes.


"i have a lot of homework
and that shit's stressing me

"but i think that it's bothering
suzume too since i haven't
really seen her properly."

atsumu chuckled and rolled his eyes.

miya atsumu
"oh come on."

miya atsumu
"yer acting as if suzume's
never experienced midtern
season with ya."

miya atsumu
"plus, you guys are together
25/8, isn't time away from
each other okay?"

sakusa scoffed.

"it isn't like that, idiot."

"she's been off ever since
that time she cried after
workㅡwhen i made you
go sleep out in the living
room with y/n."

"she says she's okay and
she's just tired but there's
something about it that
seems off to me."

miya atsumu
"maybe yer overthinkin' it."

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