table 15

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thursday, january 28th


"y/n! table 15 please!"

"got it!"

you set your tray down and dusted off your
uniform before grabbing your mini notebook
from your apron pouch to head over to table

you noticed a familiar head of brown and
silver and a smile immediately formed on
your lips.

miyano hana
"y/n! you work here?!"

with her, of course, was her best friend.

"i do!"

you gave her a smile and then turned to
acknowledge nikou.

he chuckled.

mikoshiba nikou
"fancy seeing you here."

miyano hana

miyano hana
"are you off soon?"

you laughed and shook your head.

"unfortunately, no, not any
time soon."

"i end at 10."

miyano hana
"aw bummmerr."

mikoshiba nikou
"you got a way home?"

you nodded, smiling at the swimmer.

"yup, i'm driving home."

"thank you."

he smiled, nodding along.

"so! what can i get for you
guys? just drinks for now?"

miyano hana
"mm i think we're good to

hana looked towards nikou who gave her a

he was then motioned to go first and he
rolled his eyes at her.

mikoshiba nikou
"just a the breakfast sampler
for me please and regular
pancakes with butter and

you hummed, jotting down his order.

"anything to drink?"

mikoshiba nikou
"water's fine."

you nodded and then turned to hana.

"for you?"

miyano hana
"mmmmmmmmm a birthday
cake milkshake please aaannd
the chicken strips and fries
dinner with ranch!"

miyano hana
"oh! and nachos~"

you laughed, amused with her excitement.

you repeated their order to them which they
confirmed and you gathered their menus.

"i'll be back with your drinks

hana hummed.

miyano hana
"alrighty! take your time!"

you laughed.

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