New York..Day 1.

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     As the newlyweds return from their month long honeymoon Brittany and Santana are about to land in New York to start their life together as Mrs. and Mrs Lopez. As the plane starts it's decent from the beautiful Summer end nights sky, Brittany gets a phone call. She answers the phone quietly as to not wake up Santana that's sleeping on her shoulder.  Brittany answers in a whisper "Hello?"  A man replies with a strong Spanglish accent, " Hola, Brittany S. Pierce-Lopez this is Hector Sanchez from Univison, How are you today?"  Brittany answers, "Hi Mr. Sanchez, forgive me for whispering but my wife is asleep and I don't want to wake her." Mr. Sanchez says," No problemo, we here at Univison would like to congratulate you on your nuptials and when you arrive at the airport a driver will pick you both up and he will gather all your luggage and drive you to (the pilot clicks on the P.A system that interrupts the phone call) announcing that they will be landing in 30 minutes. the phone call resumes . You will find a small present in the back of the town-car along with a bottle of champagne welcoming you to the Univison family.  Please accept as our wedding gift to you both."  "Thank you so much Mr. Sanchez. Brittany says.  Mr. Sanchez responds, " You are very welcome Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, enjoy the rest of your evening, please give us a call and let us know how you like your gift?"  "Will do Mr. Sanchez , thank you for everything, talk to you soon, bye" Brittany replies.  Ting, the pilot comes over the P.A. system one last time," Ladies and Gentleman please pull your seats in the upright position and buckle your seat-belts we will be landing shortly and thank you for flying the friendly skies with us. We look forward to traveling with you again in the near future." Brittany softly kisses Santana on her forehead and says "Honey, time to wake up, we will be landing soon."  Santana slowly wakes up and takes a deep breath and says , "Thank you Babe, I'm sorry that I fell asleep."  Brittany responds," No worries, you were tired, I'm glad you got to rest."  Santana says," I feel bad because you must have been bored with me sleeping on your shoulder."   Brittany replies, " I was looking at all the pictures I took of us on our honeymoon on my phone and then I got a call just a bit ago from Mr.Sanchez with Univision.   "Is everything okay Babe" Santana asks. "Yes, everything is fine, Mr. Sanchez just called and mentioned that he was sending a town-car to pick us up from the airport and that in the backseat was a small gift and something else but the pilot interrupted the call and I couldn't hear what he said."  Brittany said. "That was nice of him to call and let you know about getting picked up" said Santana.  As the plane lands and stops at the terminal all the passengers exit the plane. Brittany grabs both hers and Santana's carry-on bags and places them on her right shoulder and extends her left hand out to hold Santana's right hand and escorts her off the plane and down the corridor to the arrival terminal to see what baggage claim gate they need to head to for their luggage and meet the driver that's waiting for them.  As Brittany and Santana arrive at their baggage claim location they see a man holding a sign with the Univision logo on it along with the names Mrs. and Mrs Pierce-Lopez. "Oh look honey, that must be our driver." Brittany says to Santana as they approach the driver. "Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, my name is Diego Gonzales may I get your baggage claim tickets please?" Said the driver. "Hello Mr. Gonzales, yes, here you go." Said Brittany as she hands him the tickets for both hers and Santana's luggage. "Gracias, I parked out by the curb, come follow me and I'll take you both to the car and then come back and retrieve your luggage". Said the driver.  "Thank you" Both Brittany and Santana replied. As they all approach the town-car, Mr. Gonzales opens the back door and escorts them into the car and grabs the champagne bottle and opens it and pours two glasses for his clients. As he hands each glass to the happy couple he says "Congratulations on your nuptials ladies, relax and I will return with your luggage, please sit back and relax" Mr. Gonzales then shuts the car door and walks to retrieve the luggage. "Here's to us" Says Santana to Brittany as they cling their champagne flutes together. "Here's to us" smiles Brittany as she leans in to kiss Santana then they both take a sip of bubbly. Santana then spots the small gift box  on the side of her seat. "Here you go babe, the present from Mr. Sanchez" Says Santana. Brittany holds the gift and instructs Santana to open it.  So she does and see's a set of keys and a small card like the ones that comes with a bouquet of flowers. Santana hands Brittany the keys then reads the card. "Congratulations on your marriage, we at Univision hope you will like your new love nest. Enjoy and welcome to the Univision family." reads Santana. "Oh hey, there's something on the back?" Brittany says. So Santana turns the card around and see's just an address listed. They hear the trunk open up and then close moments later. Mr. Gonzales heads to the driver's seat and proceeds to drive off. "Mrs. Pierce-Lopez as soon as I take you to your destination and you both get settled in, you are asked to call Mr. Sanchez?" Brittany replies " Yes, thank you I will, but if I may ask, where are you taking us?"  Mr. Sanchez says, " I have strict instructions to take you and not spoil the surprise. So please just sit back and relax and enjoy your champagne." Santana looks at Brittany and whispers, " I know how to relax you" as she leans in to passionately kiss Brittany.  The kiss lasts for several minutes which catches Diego off guard as he looked into the rear-view mirror to change lanes. The car kinda swerves as a few car horns sound off on either side as Brittany holds on tight to Santana to protect her from getting shifted around.  "I am so sorry, are the two of you alright?" asked Diego. "Yes, we are. What happened?" asked Brittany. "Sorry, there was a big pothole I tried to avoid. I am so sorry." replied Diego.  The rest of the car ride Brittany and Santana just sit back in leaning on one another hoping that they get to their destination soon. 

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