Chaotic NCT 2020 Birthday

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Today was Mayse's birthday and she had decided to go live on V Live during practice hours with NCT 2020. All the units of NCT gathered into one of SM's biggest and spacious rooms, dressed in a majority of black clothing and had been rehearsing for the upcoming big comeback that fans had been waiting for. Kneeling on the wooden floor in front of the mirror, her manager's phone rested on a tripod as she began the livestream, waiting for a few seconds as fans entered the broadcast, hearing loud screaming and whatnot in the background. "EVERYONE SHUT UP I'M LIVE!" Mayse yelled out loudly, the members quietening their voices as Mayse giggled, turning to her fans with an innocent smile. "Hi, NCTzens!!"


Giggling, Mayse sat crisscross on the floor before two members joined her - sitting on either side of her. The members were Haechan and Jeno. "Hi NCTzens~" Jeno smiled sweetly, waving as Mayse pushed him away from the camera. "Ow, why did you push me?"

"Because you have a big head," she said deadpanned before glancing at comments, Haechan singing softly that soon turned loudly as he screeches into her ear. "YAH! LEE DONGHYUK I WILL GLADLY FIGHT YOH RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!" she yelled, standing up as the boy followed, the two bouncing with their fists raised into a fighting position before Haechan ducked, scooping Mayse off her feet and throwing her over his shoulder - exiting the camera frame with Mayse yelping for help.

omg so chaotic already
i love this
where's hendery??

Jeno chuckles as he hears Mayse yelling for Taeyong to help her escape Haechan's grasp. "Don't worry~ She's fine~" he smiled as the female gasped loudly, being set down by Haechan with a loud thud. The 00 liner male glanced at her for a moment before returning to the livestream.

After arguing with Haechan for a few seconds, Mayse ran past Jeno in the background, finding Yangyang and bringing him to the livestream. "Here's Yangyang!~ Yangie say hi!" she beamed as the male smiled, greeting the fans in Chinese before Mayse pushed him away gently. "Okay, this is a mess," she commented before loosely laying her arms on Jeno's shoulders. "Ah there's so many of us," she mumbled to herself, resting her chin on the top of the male's head.

"Miyoung-ah!!!" a voice yelled, her figure being taken away from Jeno and being lifted up into the air, her body being swung around in circles like she was some doll. "I've missed my baby!" Johnny cried as he rubbed his cheek lovingly against hers, the female having a blank expression on her face as she sat still in her current position.

"We're at the practice room a day before my birthday how fun," she said, escaping Johnny's embrace and waddling forward to where Jeno once sat, the young adult leaving to bully Haechan after his teasing - Mark, Jaehyun and Ten accompanying his previous spot. "I think we'll be home by like 2?" she said unsurely.

"Are you including personal practice or just group practice?" Marl asked, glancing up at her as she stood behind Ten. "Cause we still have subunit practice to do," he informed her making the girl groan, throwing her head back in despair as she hears her members chuckling at her behaviour.

"LEAVE ME ALONE," she cried, pouting as she wrapped her arms around Ten's neck, giving a hug as she glanced at the comments, her eyes moving to watch Jungwoo, Lucas, Chenle and Haechan being idiots in the background, sounds of yelling in various directions as Mayse smiled slightly at the screen. "We're not on drugs I promise."

"I beg a differ," Ten said with a chuckle as Mayse hushed him, her brown eyes narrowing at the boy, telling him to not expose the large group. "Mayse is our supplier everyone!" he yelled before Mayse pushed him backwards softly, not wanting him to injure himself, taking his spot by Jaehyun, smiling innocently.

this is the content i live for
i love them
love for france 🇫🇷💘💘

The livestream went on with various members appearing and disappearing throughout, some jumping around being idiots and others just talking to their fans as normal. The time hit midnight, signalling that it was now Mayse's official birthday - the members already having the mother of the group organise her cake. "WONG YUKHEI STOP YELLING THE LYRICS OF ALL STAR! I WILL THROW MY SHOE AT YOU!" her voice yelled, chasing the tallboy around the practice room before lights went out, a dim orange-tinted light being the only source as her members sang her happy birthday - some obnoxiously and others normally. Clapping along, the lights turn back on as Mayse placed her hands on top of Doyoung's, blowing out the candles after making a wish.

this is so cute
a family photo hell yeah
i love them so much

"Okay, I think we'll go eat now," Mayse cheered to the livestream. "Bye NCTzens!!" she yelled, ending the livestream as the boys bid their own goodbyes.

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