Chapter Two: Night One

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Draco wasn't hiding; he was just exhausted. Yes, that was why he'd rushed through his evening routine, completely forgetting to wash his face before diving into his four-poster and charming the curtains closed. It wasn't because he was scared of when Harry Potter would return from arguing with the Headmistress. It wasn't because he was scared of Harry or his reaction to the situation at all.

At least, that's what he told himself. But Draco didn't believe a word of it.

The dormitory door slammed open, bouncing off the wall. Draco closed his eyes; Harry was mad. Not that he blamed him one bit. Draco wouldn't have wanted to share a room with himself, either. Harry banged around the room as loudly as possible, mumbling to himself too low for Draco to hear. Finally, the noise stopped right outside of Draco's closed curtains.


Draco winced. Maybe he could pretend to be asleep?

Without warning his curtains whizzed open, showing a flushed and scowling Harry. "Malfoy," he repeated.

Draco pushed himself up into a sitting position before turning to Harry. He looked at the other boy's shoulder, unable to meet his gaze and see the hatred there; it would hurt too much.

Draco had realized since the Battle of Hogwarts that his love of hating Harry Potter had stemmed from simply... loving Harry Potter. And that was a truth he wasn't prepared to face, not now, not ever, because it could never happen, and the knowledge tore him up inside.

"We're stuck together," Harry hissed. "McGonagall won't budge. Keeps on saying it's best for both of us." Harry snorted, clearly disagreeing with their Headmistress. Draco just nodded, his heart beating through his chest. He didn't know how Harry hadn't noticed yet; it must be audible. "We should set some ground rules."


Draco cast a glance at Harry when he didn't respond instantly. The Boy Who Lived was frowning at him. Draco hastily looked away.

"We don't have to talk to each other, we don't have to see each other except for nights, and we don't have to fight. We're both adults now; too much has happened for us to continue on like we used to. But understand, Malfoy, nothing has changed."

Every word was like a knife, but Malfoy nodded mutely. He didn't know what else to do.

Harry seemed to be waiting for some other response, but Draco had none. After the silence stretched on for an uncomfortable amount of time, Draco dared to glance at Harry again. He was inspecting Draco, confusion clearly written on his face. "What, Potter?"

Harry paused for a second before shaking his head. "Nothing." He stepped away from the bed and, with a swish of his wand, closed the curtains.

Draco laid back down, listening for the sounds of Harry getting ready. His heart ached. He wanted nothing more than to have an excuse to spend time with Harry, to see his face light up with laughter and know he was the source of it. But that was just a far off fantasy, something so absurd that he couldn't even fully picture it in his head, and he'd tried for days, weeks even. Some things just weren't meant to be.

Draco lay awake for hours, tugging absently on the sleeve that covered his dark mark. He'd taken to wearing long sleeves constantly, trying to hide the evidence of his biggest mistake. It made him sick to look at, and it made everyone around him uncomfortable. If only they knew.

When he finally fell asleep, he was transported back in time to one of the many instances he'd displeased the Dark Lord. Crucio rang in his ears as he writhed in pain, screaming out in agony.

Rough hands woke him. "Malfoy. Malfoy, wake up."

Groggily Draco came to, still panting heavily. Blearily he looked up to see Harry standing above him. "Wha-,"

Harry took a step back and withdrew his hands. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "You were having a nightmare. I couldn't sleep with all the screaming. Next time put a silencing charm on, we have class tomorrow, and I really can't afford to be sleepy." He turned and went back to his bed, pulling the curtains closed tightly.

Draco leaned back, trying to calm his breathing. He wouldn't be getting any more sleep tonight.

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