Chapter Thirteen: Coming Out for Krum

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 Harry and Hermione decided the best thing to do was tell Ron about Krum when he arrived so he wouldn't have time to brood over the fact that Hamriones ex had returned. So on a bright, cheery morning, Harry delayed Ron's descent into the Great Hall by nearly half an hour, allowing Hermione and Krum to get situated at their usual table.

"What's with all the ruckus?" Ron asked Harry once they reached the Great Hall started towards their table.

Before Harry could respond, the sea of people parted, leaving a perfect view of Krum with his arm wrapped around Hermione.

"Is that-" Ron started, but Harry cut him off.

"I'm gay, Ron. Well, bi, actually." Ron froze, his mouth open and his eyes bugging out of his head. He started turning a concerning puce color and Harry wasn't sure Ron was breathing. He realized they might have broken him.

Closing his mouth with a snap, Ron pulled Harry to the side, away from prying ears.

"You're gay, mate? For real?"

Harry nodded. "Well, I like girls too."

Ron nodded his head, absently. "Yeaaa yea, I think I always knew."

"Shove off, no, you didn't," Harry laughed. "I only just realized myself."

"Is this why you and Ginny..." Ron trailed off.

"Partly, yea." Harry wasn't going to lie. "I thought she would have told you, she told Hermione."

"I'm her brother. She tells me nothing," Ron said. "Did you know about Krum?"

Harry couldn't lie to Ron. "Yea, I did."

To Harry's complete astonishment, Ron smiled. "Krum was always good to her. Let's go sit down. I'm starving."

Harry allowed himself to be dragged off. They sat across from Hermione and Krum, who had the decency to look slightly abashed. Harry gave Hermione a wink, and she relaxed.

"Good to see you, mate," Ron reached out his hand and clasped Krum's in a warm embrace. It didn't even seem like Ron was trying to crush the other man's hand.

"Vou too," Krum smiled back.

"So Harry," Ron turned back to his oldest friend. "How many times did you think of me in bed?"

Harry choked on his swig of pumpkin juice, and Hermione snorted into hands. Krum looked mildly curious. Everyone else at the table fell silent and turned to stare at them. Harry felt his face heat. This hadn't been how he'd wanted to come out.

Addressing the table, Harry took a deep breath and announced, "I'm bi, guys."

There was a general silence, and then everyone started nodding their heads. "I like girls," Luna added.

Neville blushed. "I think I'm gay. Or at least bi, too."

Harry stared at his friends, an intense warmth spreading through him. The usual apathy he felt was pushed aside, and he suddenly felt like crying.

"Answer the question," Ron said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Never, Ron. You aren't my type."

"What?! How could I not be your type! I'm your best mate! We're best friends! How could you never -."

"Really, Ron, I'm not Harry's type either, but you don't see me complaining!" Hermione snapped.

"Who is your type in men then!" Ron demanded.

"Tall blonds," Harry admitted without thinking.

There was a moment of silence, and then Luna observed, "Like Draco, you mean?"

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