Chapter Fifty-Five: Saying Goodbye

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Althea looked around at the room that had become her office for the closing school year. There wasn't much left for her to pack. She turned back to her bookcase and continued to fill the box the muggle way – it was soothing and gave a finality that waving her wand never would.

The door to her right swung open wide and in strolled Draco, followed closely behind by Harry, both of who were laughing openly.

As Draco bent down and kissed Althea's cheek, she asked, "To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from my favorite patients?"

Draco stood back up, still grinning. "You aren't supposed to have favorites, Healer. But I know we are." He winked at her before turning and sprawling onto one of the armchairs.

Harry approached Althea and withdrew the hand he had been holding behind his back. He presented her with the bouquet of flowers he'd been hiding. "For you, m'lady."

She took them, smiling fondly. Laying them gently in her box, she turned and joined the two men, sitting in her usual chair. She took in the sight of both of them – whole and healthy – smiles still etched onto their faces.

"Are you ready for graduation tomorrow?" Althea asked, recognizing they wanted one more session together, here in their first home.

"I am," Draco said first. "Although I think Viktor might kill Hermione before we get there."

Harry laughed, filling in the rest of the story. "Hermione starts at the Ministry the day after tomorrow working for her elfish and parolee rights, and Krum is having a hard time keeping her away from the paperwork they've already sent her."

"She's insane!" Draco added affectionately.

"When do you two start training?" Althea asked.

Harry grinned. "I get a week off before I start the Healer program. And Draco gets two weeks off because he's decided to specialize."

Althea turned to Draco, surprised. "Specialize? In what?"

Draco smiled shyly. "I'm going to be a Mental Health Healer, Althea, just like you. I already got accepted into the program. They don't care I'm an ex-Death Eater. In fact, they seemed rather excited about it."

Stunned, Althea could only open and close her mouth a few times. "I thought you wanted to be the potions teacher?"

Draco shrugged. "The Headmistress believes I'm too young. But I can do more if I do what you do. You saved me." His eyes were shining, mirroring her own.

"You saved me too," Harry added.

"No," Althea choked out. "You two saved yourselves and each other. I just helped nudge you along the way."

"That's not how I remember it," Draco said.

"Me neither."

"Oh, hush." Althea took a deep breath to collect herself. "I will see you at graduation tomorrow?"

The two men nodded.

"You better be off then. Thank you for stopping by, Harry, Draco. The flowers are beautiful."

"Come on, Scar Head," Draco affectionately addressed his boyfriend.

"Why don't you have any fun nicknames," Harry grumbled as he rose.

"Because you haven't thought of any, obviously." Harry playfully shoved Draco before Draco leaned in and kissed Harry's scar. After they left, she felt her smile still in place.

All was well.

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