Chapter Ten: Hermione's Secret

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            Hermione had been trying to keep all the letters secret, but by the end of the first month of classes, it was nearly impossible. She was getting at least one every day, sometimes two. To her relief, Ron never noticed, but Harry did. He pulled her aside one day into a private alcove, away from prying ears. "Hermione, I know you're in touch with basically the entire Ministry of Magic and all, but who the hell is sending you so much mail? Don't they know you're in school and can't solve all their problems?"

Hermione was equal parts entertained and flattered that Harry thought so highly of her. "Oh, well, you're going to find out anyway. They aren't letters from any kind of officials, they're letters from Viktor."

Harry's eyebrows rose. "Krum? Krum is sending you all those letters?"

Hermione felt herself blush as she nodded.

To her surprise, Harry smiled at her. "I always liked Krum. He was a good guy."

Relief washed over her. "You aren't mad?"

"Course not, 'Mione. I just want you to be happy."

"But Ron and I have only been broken up for a month..." Guilt tempered her happiness at Harry's approval.

He shook his head. "There's no timeline on these things. And in my opinion, don't ever tell Ron this, you always should have chosen Krum. I love Ron, he's my best mate, but he never treated you as well as Viktor did."

Deep inside, Hermione knew what Harry was saying was true. She should have always picked Viktor. "Thanks, Harry." She wrapped him in a quick hug. "This means we're going to need your help."

"Help? Why would both of you need my... oh god, don't tell me he's coming here?"

Hermione nodded. "He's coming in as a graduate student."

Harry shook his head slowly. "Isn't he older than us?"

"Yes, he is. But after only attending that horrid school, he wants to learn some real magic, magic that doesn't hurt others." Hermione pushed her hair behind her ears.

Nodding slowly, Harry smiled. "Don't worry about Ron, I've got this."

Hermione pursed her lips before relaxing, knowing she could trust Harry. "Thank you."

Footsteps echoed past their alcove, followed by a blur of blonde hair. "Was that..." Harry was cut off by the sound of more footsteps.

"Death Eater!"

"Eat shit, Malfoy!"

They heard a hex whiz past them.

Hermione watched Harry stand there in shock. He truly was oblivious.

"What was that about?" he finally managed to get out.

"Harry, have you really not noticed how hard of a time Malfoy is having?" Or that he's completely in love with you? She added silently. Anyone with eyes could see that Draco was head over heels for Harry, what with all the goo-goo eyes and blushes.

"I mean, it was mentioned, but I didn't realize..." he trailed off.

"That people were attacking him?" Hermione helpfully supplied.

"Well, yea."

"Does it bother you?" Hermione was curious to see if Harry would admit the obvious.

He shifted uncomfortably. "Anyone getting attacked would bother me, Hermione."

"But we attacked people, Death Eaters, before, haven't we?" She wanted to see how much Harry was willing to admit. She had an idea that not everything was as it had been between the two men. Everything had changed for everyone.

"But we were at war, 'Mione. And besides, Draco isn't a Death Eater, not anymore."

Hermione stared at Harry, surprised he was trying to defend Malfoy. "But he has the Dark Mark, Harry. He let Death Eaters into the castle. Who knows what else he did."

There was trouble in Harry's eyes. "He told me he was a slave to Voldemort, or at least analogized to that. Do you think it's possible?"

Hermione gazed at Harry. "I think this is a conversation you need to have with him, Harry, not me."

"But he's been avoiding me ever since -," he cut himself off.

"Since what?"

"Since I followed him and we sat and talked about our nightmares," Harry whispered. "He can't stand to be in the same room as me. Do people really change, Hermione?"

She stared at him, a small smile on her lips. "All the time, Harry."

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