Chapter Thirty-Five: Decisions, Decisions

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            It was four in the morning before Harry and Draco made it back to their common room. To their surprise, Hermione, Ron, and Blaise were still up, unenthusiastically playing exploding snap.

"What are you -," Harry started.

Hermione jumped up for where she sat, her bushy hair wild in the firelight. "Harry James Potter, Draco Lucius Malfoy, how dare you take so long! We have classes in the morning!"

"Yea! I'm exhausted!" Ron chipped in.

Blaise snorted indelicately. "I need my beauty sleep, Draco."

Harry and Draco exchanged a confused glance.

"So?" Hermione tapped her foot impatiently.

"So what?" Draco asked.

"Did you finally realize!" Ron exploded.

"Realize what?" Harry asked, bewildered.

Blaise stared at them in horror. "They still don't know! Guys! We stayed up for nothing! They're both idiots!"

Something clicked in Draco's head. "You knew!? All this time you knew Harry liked me?" he bellowed at his friends.

At the very least, they all had the sense to shuffle their feet abashed.

"Well, technically, we knew you like each other. As in both of you. But we couldn't tell you because we'd be breaking our friend's trust either way."

Draco glared at his friends. "You've been letting me gripe and moan about this for months, and it was completely unnecessary?"

"Months?" Harry cut into his thoughts.

Draco turned to him. "Yes, months. Why?"

Harry's face drained of color, and he coughed before mumbling something.

"What was that?"

Ron piped up. "He only just realized, mate."

Draco frowned. "What do you mean?"

"It took you guys kissing before it got into his thick skull that he liked you, which everyone else already knew."

Draco didn't know whether to feel hurt or laugh. George's present really was the best he'd ever received. "Oh."

"So, you guys did get together?" Hermione squealed.

Both men blushed. "Yea, I think so," Draco whispered, looking towards Harry for confirmation.

Harry nodded. "If you want, that is."

Draco grinned and grabbed Harry's hand, twining their fingers together. The two men smiled stupidly at each other.

"Ahem," their friends cleared their throats.

"There's another reason we're still up."

"What is it?" Harry asked, breaking the moment with Draco.

Hermione sat back down and pointed at the armchair across from heer. Without thinking, Draco sat, pulling Harry onto his lap. Harry sat stiffly for a moment before relaxing. Draco smiled when Blaise winked from across the room.

"We have to talk about what you guys want to do now."

Draco stared at her, understanding instantly what she was saying. "I see."

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