Chapter Thirty-One: Christmas at the Burrow

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Harry watched Draco freeze and smiled to himself. He was quite proud of himself. Upon hearing of Draco's lack of plans for the holidays, he had written Mrs. Weasley a letter explaining everything that was going on. He'd received an immediate reply giving permission to bring the other man home for the holidays.

Harry would never forget the look of complete and utter wonder on Draco's face. It made him look like a child. Mrs. Weasley pulled him into an embrace and whispered something in Draco's ear, making him grow pink. "Thanks."

"Now hurry along, you two. Everyone else is waiting!"

Draco followed Harry, hesitant to face the room full of Weasleys. Harry wasn't worried - it was Christmas.

"You're here!" Ginny called out, jumping up to give Harry a hug. Before Draco could move, Ginny had wrapped Draco in a hug, pulling his head down to whisper something in his ear. Draco went pink again. Harry wondered what the Weasley women had said to him to make him so embarrassed.

The rest of the family called out their greetings and quickly forced the duo to sit down to open presents. Harry ripped into his and was halfway through when he noticed Draco just sitting awkwardly beside him. "What're you doing? Go grab your presents."

Draco stared at him blankly.

Harry sighed. "Accio Draco's presents." Several packages flew towards Draco, who caught them easily.

"Who are these from?" Draco asked, staring at his pile.

"Everyone, including the Weasleys."

The look of wonder was back on Dracos face. Harry wondered how little joy Draco's life must have held, how lonely he must have been before they all came crashing into his life.

Starting with the smallest present, Draco worked his way up until the biggest, Mrs. Weasley's, was left. Draco lifted it gingerly and unwrapped it. Out fell a Slytherin green jumper with a silver dragon knitted on the front. Holding it in his hands, Draco stared at it. To everyone's horror, tears started dropped out of his eyes. "Thank you, all of you," he managed to get out. Harry wrapped his arms around a Draco while he collected himself. Everyone else looked tactfully away. Once he was composed again, Draco struggled to his feet. Harry watched him go feeling a slight emptiness in his chest now that his arms weren't holding the man.

"I meant to do this once we got back to school, but how's as good a time as any. We can tell the others later." Everyone quieted. "I just finished up a big deal in Germany. As I'm sure you all know, the Quidditch World Cup will be held soon there. My business partner so kindly offered me his box and told me to bring as many people as I'd like. I'd like to invite all of you."

There was silence while his offer was processed, and then everyone jumped to their feet with excited questions.

"When do we go?"

"How high is the box?"

"I can't believe this, thank you Draco!"

Draco started laughing. "It's the only thing I could think of. I'm glad you like the idea. I had nothing else to give."

Harry stood back and watching his friend be showered with affection and undivided attention. Draco looked vaguely uncomfortable, but Harry could tell he was secretly loved being the center of attention. Some things die hard.

Finally breaking away, Draco made his way over to where Harry stood in the doorway. "Do you like it?" he asked breathlessly.

Harry grinned. "I love it. Thank you."

Before Draco could respond, Ginny squealed, "Look! Mistletoe!"

Both men looked up to find a small branch of mistletoe hanging from the door frame. Harry frowned. It hadn't been there before, he was sure of it.

"Kiss!" Hermione cried.

"It's the rules!" George grinned mischievously.

Harry looked up. Draco was still taller than him. Biting his lip, Harry whispered, "We should just get it over with. Come on." Before he could move, Draco leaned down and brushed his lips against Harry's as softly as a feather. He stood up quickly and backed a step away.

"Boo!" George jeered. "That sucked! Give him a real kiss Harry!"

Without thinking, Harry stood on his tiptoes and locked lips with Draco, who would have gasped had his mouth not been sealed to Harry's. After a lifetime, Harry broke the contact and dropped to the flats of his feet.

He suddenly remembered the Weasleys and turned to face them, as red as could be.

"Now that's how you do it!" George approved, crossing his arms. Mrs. Weasley was giggling like a schoolgirl, and Ron looked almost as stunned as Draco did. He hadn't moved an inch.

"Time to eat!" Ginny squealed, squeezing past Harry and Draco. The rest of the loud party followed. Once seated, Harry realized that the empty seats on either side of him were meant for George and Draco.

He stood and headed back to the living room but paused. Draco and George were whispering to each other, and Harry was just close enough to catch what they were saying.

"Did you like my present, git?" George asked, smiling broadly.

Harry couldn't remember George getting Draco a gft, but maybe he'd just missed it in all the chaos.

Draco blushed. "Yea, I did. I didn't realize you had a green thumb."

George had gotten Draco a plant? Why?

George grinned wider if that was even possible. "Thought I'd say thank you for the tickets, and for taking care of Harry. I was worried about him, but then you turned up, and everything seems to have gotten better. So thank you."

Draco smiled softly. "Of course. It was my pleasure."

"We better go eat before all the good stuff is gone.

Harry turned and hurried back to his spot at the table. What plant had George gotten Draco?

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