Chapter Six: New Friends

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"Stop staring, Harry, it's rude," Hermione admonished without looking up from her book. Harry hastily dropped his eyes from Malfoy, who sat hunched in the corner, looking for all the world like he was trying his hardest to be invisible.

"But he's up to something, I know it." Harry absently observed how the early morning light streaming through the windows lit up Malfoy's hair until it glowed golden.

"You're becoming obsessed, mate. You've spent the last two weeks staring at him every chance you get." Ron added. "We don't need a repeat of our sixth year; I don't know if I'd survive another round. You were right annoying." He stuffed another bite of eggs in his mouth.

"But I was right that year! He was – he was -," Harry broke off, suddenly realizing what he was going to say, the words stuck in his throat.

"Trying to kill Dumbledore," Hermione finished for him in a whisper, looking up from her book.

Harry nodded mutely, his eyes turning of their own accord back to Malfoy. "What the!"

At his gasp, Ron and Hermione, who had called a tentative truce, looked up and followed his gaze to where Luna Lovegood sat snuggled up next to Malfoy, his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Bloody hell! What is she thinking!" Ron exploded.

Hermione, who was always cool and collected, shook her head. "I don't know how you've missed it, especially with how much attention you're devoting to him, Harry, but Luna has been spending a lot of time with Malfoy recently."

Harry, still in a state of utter confusion, barely heard Ron ask, "You think they're an item?"

Humphing, Hermione slammed her book shut. "Don't be daft, Ron. Malfoy's not interested in girls."

"Oh yea," Ron mused, his eyes drifting back to Luna, who was looking into Malfoy's downturned face.

Rounding on his friends, Harry asked, "How did you two know he's gay?"

Confusion crossed both their faces. "You didn't?"

Harry shook his head. "Not until he told me."

Hermione's eyebrows rose so high, they were almost lost in her bushy hair. "He told you? As far as I know, he's never confirmed it. But after the rumors sixth year, well, everyone knows."

"Why do you think he and Pansy had that falling out?" Ron threw out.

"What falling out?" Harry was completely lost.

"Honestly, Harry, considering your obsession with him that year, you'd think you would have paid attention more."

Harry stiffened. "If you hadn't noticed, rumors tend not to be true. I've lived through enough of them, why would I listen to any more, even if they're about Malfoy."

Hermione looked stricken. "Of Harry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean -."

Rising, Harry cut her off. "Luna's leaving, I'm going to go ask her what's going on."

Before either of his friends could stop him, he was standing and slinging his bag over his shoulder. He ignored all the calls to him as he worked his way out of the Great Hall and into the corridor. "Luna, wait up!"

She paused and waited for him. "Yes, Harry?" Her ethereal aura was in full force, and Harry had to blink a few times. For a second, it had looked like a small flying creature was flapping around her head.

"How are you?" Harry started awkwardly. "You haven't been sitting with us lately."

Luna cocked her head and smiled softly. "That's not what you want to ask me, is it?"

Harry, always caught off guard by Luna's ability to say uncomfortable truths, nodded mutely.

"What is it?"

"Why are you spending time with Malfoy?" he spat out in a rush, coloring.

Luna's smile faded. "Because he is my friend, Harry. And friends spend time together."

"How could he possibly be your friend? He has to be up to something, setting you up or -."

Cutting Harry off for the first time in his memory, Luna whispered, "I may not have many friends, Harry, but I know those I do. Draco isn't planning to hurt me. He's not planning to hurt you. He's not planning anything."

"How can you be so sure?" Harry asked mutinously, unable to believe the words coming from her mouth.

Luna looked at Harry sadly. "I trust him."

Aghast, Harry blurted out, "How can you trust a-,"

"Death Eater?" Luna finished for him.

Harry blushed but didn't say anything to contradict her.

"He's not a Death Eater Harry. Not anymore, maybe not ever."

Harry asked, "How are you even friends with him?"

A faint smile formed on her face. "I invited myself over to the manor. You see, I've been seeing a healer since the end of the war, and she suggested I go back to the manor to show myself it wasn't something to be scared of anymore. So one day, I just showed up."

"And Malfoy just let you in?" Harry asked, shocked.

"Of course. We had tea – it was quite lovely. I've been going back ever since. He was quite lonely waiting for his trial. He's quite lonely now, too."

"But he has his friends, doesn't he?"

Luna stared at Harry hard, her look almost sharp. Harry took a step back. "He has Blaise, and he has me, but that's it. No one else wants anything to do with him, and the rest are quite cruel to him. I thought you would have noticed, given how much time you spend staring at him."

Harry opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He shut it.

"If that's all, Harry, I need to get to class." With that, Luna turned on her heels and floated down the hall.

Harry was still staring after her when Ron and Hermione caught up to him. "Do you think Malfoy's lonely?" he heard himself asking.

Ron blanched. Hermione gave Harry a cursory glance before saying, "Yes, I believe he is. No one wants him here, and they've all made it quite clear."

Harry remembered all those lonely years at the Dursley's, being trodden on and abused. Empathy worked its way into Harry's chest. No one should feel that way. "Do you think he's up to something?"

"I don't know, Harry."

"He hasn't said a single thing to be since we got back, and we keep running into each other," Ron added. Their feud had been as strong as Harry and Malfoy's.

"I'm going to follow him tonight. He's always out late, way later than curfew. I'm going to see what he's up to."

Harry didn't see the glances Ron and Hermione exchanged.

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