Suspicious Strolls

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Draco knew Harry was following him almost from the moment he stepped out of the portrait hole. It wasn't that the portrait took an extra moment to close because sometimes it did that. No, it was because the shifting air around them had brought Harry's cologne to Draco, a scent he would recognize anywhere. He didn't think he'd ever smelt something more appealing.

Choosing to be silent, Draco continued on his way, curious to see how far Potter would take this. He really needed to go to the room of requirements but decided against it, not with Harry following him. He'd pick up his things in the morning.

Instead, he did the one thing he knew MIGHT let him sleep tonight: he started walking, disregarding any noise he made. He paced the long corridors, always aware of the steps behind him. They were impossible to ignore.

After an hour, Draco stopped and without turning, asked, "What do you want, Potter?"

The footsteps faltered as Harry stumbled. "How did you know I was here?"

Draco didn't dare tell him the truth. "You're not as quiet as you think you are." He finally turned to face Harry. The other man had pulled his hood off, so he was just a floating head. Draco snorted.

"Oh." Harry stared at Draco.

"Let me rephrase myself; why are you following me? I thought we were going to ignore each other." Draco's voice was mild, not betraying any of the emotions he was feeling.

Harry continued to stare at him, opening and closing his mouth. Draco's heart fell. "You thought I was up to something, didn't you?"

At the very least, Harry had the decency to look sheepishly down at his feet. "I just... yea, I did."

Draco nodded once, then turned back around and started walking off. He didn't have to stand here and have his heart broken by a boy who knew nothing at all—a boy who didn't trust him—a boy who wasn't a boy anymore at all, which somehow made this all worse.

"Wait, Draco!" He heard pounding feet behind him, and Harry grabbed his arm, turning him around.

"What?" Draco growled. He was too tired for games tonight. Too tired to be hurt more.

"Just... what are you doing out here? Aren't you going someplace?"

"As a matter of fact, Potter, I'm not going anywhere." Draco glanced down at his hands. "I can't sleep," he admitted.

Before Harry could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor. "Quick, in here!" Harry grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him into the closest classroom. Once inside, Harry didn't drop Draco's hand. Stunned, Draco didn't point out their fingers were still wrapped around each other. "Silencio." Harry cast the spell with a flick of his wand, the silencing charm hiding them from the intruder. Harry went to straighten his ridiculous glasses with the hand still attached to Draco. Confused, Harry dropped the other man's hand and colored.

"Now, we can talk in private."

"What's there to talk about, Potter?" Draco rolled his eyes.

"Why you were really walking around the halls?"

Suddenly exhausted, Draco slumped into the closest desk. Harry followed suit, sitting across from him and taking off his invisibility cloak. "I told you. I can't sleep."

Harry eyed him suspiciously. "Why can't you sleep?"

Draco lifted his gaze and stared at Harry. Did he dare tell him the truth? Searching Harry's eyes, he saw a flicker of concern, and that was enough to tip Draco over the edge. He was so desperately in love, he would take anything offered if it came from him. "The nightmares," he whispered, so quietly he didn't think Harry heard him.

Harry sat still, staring at Draco. "Oh."

"What, is that not a good enough reason for the famous Harry Potter?" Draco smirked, trying to cover up how uncomfortable he felt.

"No, I mean, I get them too. Nightmares, I mean."

Draco stared at Harry. "I've never heard you cry out or anything, and we've been sleeping in the same dorm for several weeks now."

Harry looked down. "Silencing charms."

"Same," Draco admitted.

Harry smiled softly, and the sight made Draco's heart soar. Damn his feelings. "What a pair we are. So how is walking supposed to help?"

Draco bit his lip and was surprised to find Harry focusing on it. "I don't know. I was just told to try it. But it does seem if I walk far enough and am up late enough, then I'm too tired to dream much. Maybe that's the point."

Harry frowned. "I wonder if that'd work for me."

Draco shrugged. "Maybe."

The night seemed to have them under a spell, the moon streaming in through the windows casting long shadows across the floor. Draco couldn't help himself; he had to ask. "Do you have nightmares about, about, you know, him?" He had been about to say 'the Dark Lord' but stopped himself right before the words left his mouth.

Harry's eyes glazed over. "No, not him. Just the people I couldn't save. They haunt me in my dreams."

Of course, the Chosen One wasn't terrified of the Dark Lord; he remembered those he couldn't save. Draco felt small as Harry asked, "And you?"

He paused for a long moment, looking out the window. "Him. They're always about him and what he did to my family and me."

Harry didn't seem to be judging him as their eyes met, and they stared at each other. "I don't mean to be rude, Draco, but didn't you... work for him?" He glanced at Draco's left arm, which was covered by his sleeve. His arm involuntarily twitched.

Draco sucked in a breath. Harry had never called him by his first name before. It gave him the strength to answer truthfully. "Kind of. I don't know if you can call slavery 'working for him.' But he lived in my house, Harry. I can't forget the things he did, I've tried endlessly."

Harry nodded once and drew his gaze away from the arm. "Nightmares suck."

"Yea, they do."

Harry grinned at Draco suddenly, throwing him off-kilter. "Maybe I should start walking, too."

Draco didn't know if he meant together or separate, but he sure as hell hoped it meant Harry would speak to him again.

Inspecting the watch on his wrist, which looked rather well-loved in Draco's opinion, Harry sighed. "We better get going." From somewhere underneath the cloak, he pulled out a worn piece parchment. Draco watched in fascination as Harry tapped it and said, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Scrawling writing erupted across the page, and it took Draco a second to realize what he was looking at.

"Is this how you always got away with sneaking around?!" Draco couldn't believe it – he'd gotten caught all the time sneaking around, and he had never figured out how Potter had gotten away with it.

Harry cast him a bright grin, his teeth glowing in the moonlight. "Guilty as charged. But it looks like our path is clear. We better get going before something else comes along."

When they reached their room, they both fell on top of their beds fully clothed. "I'm exhausted," Harry called out to Draco, who only moaned into his pillow. "Yea, I agree," Harry said.

Draco smiled to himself; Harry had spoken to him without animosity. Maybe they could be friends, after all.

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