Chapter Fifteen: Group Therapy

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            Draco sat in one of two chairs facing Healer Althea, sipping his tea slowly. When she had approached him with the suggestion of group therapy, Draco had balked, not wanting to share his time. But after thinking about it, it seemed nice to have someone there besides himself. It seemed even more manageable when he found out he would only be having a group session with one other student. If only that student would arrive.

"Sorry I'm late!" a familiar voice called out as he stumbled into the room.

Draco turned in shock, his teacup halfway to his lips. "No."

Harry froze. "No way."

"Come in," Althea said calmly, ignoring the horrified looks on both the men's faces. Harry slowly entered the room and sat down next to Draco, who hadn't recovered from the shock. His teacup was still midair. "I'm glad you both could make it relatively on time." Draco watched Harry blush. He never would have taken Harry for a blusher.

"Is it going to be the same group every time?" Draco finally asked after a long silence.

"Yes, consistency is the key to building trust, which is critical for therapy."

"Why are we together?" Harry blurted out.

Althea gave them both a leveled stare. "I understand you two have a history, but you are more similar than you know, and your cases parallel each other an awful lot. If anyone is going to understand you, it's the person sitting beside you. So grow up, boys. You're men now."

Draco valued Healer Althea for many reasons, one of them being her forthright manner. She always said what needed to be said, although she often softened the blow. "Yes, ma'am. I understand." Draco saw Harry shoot him a surprised glance, which he ignored.

"I'm fine with it," Harry finally muttered.

Clasping her hands, Althea explained, "Wonderful! Now you two have both been excelling in your personal appointments, so today we're going to start with getting to know each other better. Harry, what do you want to do after school?"

"Auror," Draco muttered under his breath.

Harry shot him a dark look. "I think I want to be a Healer."

Draco nearly dropped his cup of tea. Before he could say anything, Althea asked, "Why? Everyone assumes you'll continue to hunt dark wizards."

Harry paled. "I've seen enough death and destruction. I want my turn at doing the opposite."

Draco's heart leaped from his chest. The pain in Harry's voice was palpable. He frowned. "Why haven't you told anyone this?"

Harry stared at his hands, his head bowed. "I don't want anyone to be disappointed in me," he admitted.

"I don't think anyone would be disappointed in you, Harry. You still want to do something noble," Althea cut in. "I think you'll do wonderfully. Now Draco, what do you want to do after you're done with school?"

Draco snorted. "What do I want to do, or what will I do?"

"Is there a difference?" Harry asked.

Althea sighed. "Both Draco."

"What I will do is go home, manage the estate and finances, and take care of my mother." He couldn't stop the sneer from forming on his face.

"And what do you want to do?"

Draco's face dropped. It was his turn to look at his hands. "Iwanttobethepotionsteacher."

"Yes, that's what we've talked about," Althea sighed.

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