Chapter Forty: The Awakening

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            Harry gazed up at the night sky; his dress robes did little to keep him warm. He was shivering uncontrollably and had been since he'd stepped outdoors. Draco, the constellation, was clearly visible, hanging over the Draco in the coffin. Harry couldn't bear to see his beloved lying still in the box, yet his eyes seemed destined to rest there.

Blaise clapped him on the back. "It's time, Harry."

Tears started seeping out of Harry's eyes, or maybe they'd always been there. Something was wrong. There was something off with the Draco in the box - it wasn't Harry's Draco. It couldn't be.

Harry woke up screaming.

"We're here, Harry," Hermione reassured him, hopping up from her spot on the other side of the hospital bed. Harry found himself draped over Draco's feet and sat up.

"Sorry, mate, we thought since you'd finally fallen asleep, it was best if we didn't wake you." Ron shrugged apologetically.

Harry stretched his tense muscles and turned to Draco. He still looked ghastly, his pallor even worse than usual. "Has he woken?"

"No," Blaise murmured, stepping into the room, followed by Neville, who was clasped tightly to Blaise's hand. Harry raised his eyebrows but didn't comment.

Harry had been at Draco's beside since he'd been brought in, refusing to leave for longer than it took to use the restroom. Hermione, Viktor, Ron, Blaise, Luna, and Neville had created rotating shifts, so Harry was never alone. When someone was in class, another was there to keep Harry company. He was so grateful – St. Mungos could be a cold and lonely place.

Viktor and Luna entered behind Neville. "It vas a good thing you found him, Harry," Viktor whispered, walking over to Hermione and resting his hands on her shoulders.

Harry, too anxious to wait for Draco that fateful morning, had been staring intently at the Maurader's Map so he could meet Draco halfway. He had seen the Carlton boy running away from Draco's dot and thought it odd. Harry had arrived just in time; another minute and Draco would have bled out on the stone before Harry's eyes.

It had taken every ounce of magic Harry possessed to get Draco to the hospital wing without him dying. The memory and fear were seared into Harry's brain – he'd been having nightmares of Draco's death ever since. They hadn't been able to stop the bleeding, and he had been transferred to St. Mungos, where he was given a continuous stream of blood replenishing potions. Without Snape around to fix what his curse had done, no one else seemed able to. Finally, Harry realized the only solution was to ask the portrait of Snape in the Headmistress' office, who readily gave the countercurse to save his godson.

Harry grabbed Draco's hand and gazed at the sleeping man. He'd been unconscious for almost a week.

"He'll get through this," Blaise said, patting Harry's head. "Draco's a strong one."

Harry just nodded mutely.

Just then, Draco's eyes flickered open. Harry jumped to his feet, surprising all their friends who had yet to notice the change in Draco.

"Baby, I'm here. Draco, I'm right here," Harry whispered, brushing the blond man's hair out of his face.

"Where am I?" Draco asked, hoarse from not using his voice for so long.

"Hospital," Ron supplied. Harry started crying in relief.

"I'll go grab a Healer," Viktor offered leacing the room.

"You've been out for almost a week," Blaise added.

"We were terrified for you, but no one was worse off than Harry, Draco," Luna explained.

"Am I alright now?"

"You'll have some scars on your torso. The curse was active too long to keep you completely scar-free. But you'll be okay." The relief was evident in Blaise's voice. His best friend was going to be alright.

Draco smiled weakly. "What's some more scars?"

Harry snorted. "I should be the one saying that, not you."

Draco's smile grew. "I think I have more than you now, Scar Head."


"So, why are all you here?" Draco asked, gazing around at all his friends.

"Because you've been out for days, and we couldn't leave Harry here alone," Ron said. As an afterthought, he added, "And we're your friends too, and we were scared for you."

Just then, Viktor returned with a Healer in tow who immediately shooed everyone away from Draco's bed to check him over. When deemed healthy enough to sit up, she left him with strict instructions to not leave the bed.

Overall, Draco just seemed tired, but Harry couldn't help the anxiety in his chest from growing. Finally, their friends left and Harry and Draco were left alone, their hands clasped together.

Harry leaned over Draco and kissed his forehead before sitting down again. "I am so sorry, Draco."

His eyebrows rising, Draco asked, "For what?"

Harry lowered his eyes, unable to meet his lover's gaze. "I never meant to hurt you sixth year. I had no idea what the spell did; I just know it was 'for enemies.' If I'd had any idea Draco – I never would have used it against you."

Draco frowned. "Harry, I was about to crucio you."

Harry laughed without humor. It was a hollow, empty sound. "I've heard how effective your crucio is, Draco. Luna said it was like being tickled, I believe." He shook his head. "I have no excuse. I just hope you can forgive me."

Draco nodded slowly. "At the time, I thought I hated you, and I thought you did it on purpose. But I know you didn't. I know the Golden Boy wouldn't ever purposely harm me, even when I was the enemy. I accept your apology – no, I forgive you, Harry."

Letting out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding, Harry gripped Draco's hand tighter. "I love you. I thought I lost you, and I've never been so scared in my entire life."

"Not even facing Voldemort?"

"Not even then."

Draco smiled tiredly. "Well, I am right here. And I love you too. I'm not going anywhere."

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