Chapter Seven: Curly Haired Birds

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Blaise dropped down into the seat next to Draco in the back of the classroom, sighing dramatically. "Transfiguration is going to be the death of me."

Draco looked up from the book he was reading and snorted. "No, it isn't. You're going to copy off me, just like you have every year."

Smiling the heart-stopping smile that made men and women fall in love with him, Blaise said, "What would I do without the great love of my life?"

Draco couldn't help himself; he laughed. "Not interested, thanks, though."

Blaise pretended to pout. "What, am I not your type? Don't have the right kind of messy black hair or emerald green eyes? No dramatic scar slicing through my perfect forehead?"

"Shut it," Draco hissed, casting his eyes around to see if anyone overheard them. Like in all his classes, everyone was sitting as far from him as humanly possible.

Before Blaise could reply, Professor McGonagall rose from her seat at the front of the classroom. Simultaneously, the door in the back of the room next to Malfoy was flung open and bounced off the wall. "I'm here, Professor!" a familiar voice called out.

"Sit, Potter, now. You're late."

Harry slid into the closest seat, which happened to be right next to Draco. Draco felt his heart begin to beat faster. Blaise nudged him and smiled. Draco kicked him under the table.

After getting out his parchment and quill, Harry finally turned to his seatmate. His eyes went wide. "Oh."

"Oh, indeed, Potter," Draco smirked. Ever since they had called a truce, Harry had been steadily avoiding him, crushing any dreams Draco might have had of friendship. He didn't really think the Golden Boy would ever be his friend, not really, but he had hoped that calling truce would have resulted in something other than the awkward silence they currently lived with. It'd been a long couple of weeks in their dorm.

"We are continuing our lesson from last class," Professor McGonagall said as she pointed her wand in front of each person, causing a parrot to appear, one for each student. Getting to the back of the room where Draco, Harry, and Blaise sat, she raised her eyebrows. "We are one bird shy. Unfortunately, there was an accident with a fourth-year earlier. Mr. Malfoy, I already know you can perform the spell perfectly, so once you've transfigured your bird once, turn it back and give it to Potter. After that, you may help your seatmates. God knows some of them," she eyed Blaise, "needs the extra help."

Blaise stared after their teacher as she walked away, a slight frown on her face. "Do you think she knows I copied the last paper?"

"Without a doubt," Draco murmured as he turned all the feathers on the parrot to curly black hair, before turning it back.

"How did you do that?" Harry said, startling Draco.

"Do what?"

"I think he means how'd you do it without your wand, Draco," Blaise hissed in his ear.

Draco looked down and realized he'd never picked up his wand. "Oh."

Harry stared at him in fascination, the green eyes boring into him. "Did you just do wandless magic, Malfoy?"

Blaise leaned forward so he could see Harry better. "Malfoy here isn't the top of the class, well second after Granger, for nothing."

"But, wandless magic is virtually impossible! It's even harder than nonverbal magic! And you just did both!"

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