Chapter Forty-Nine: The Summons

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            "What do you mean you're going to go?" Harry cried, pointing at the letter in Draco's hand.

Draco looked around at the other people in the common room, all of who were trying to pretend they hadn't heard Harry's outburst. "Harry, can you tone it down a bit, please?"

Harry was almost spitting he was so mad. "I will do no such thing. Everyone deserves to hear how stupid you're being, Malfoy!"

The use of his last name stung. "Fine, Potter, say what you have to say. Because I have to go."

"Why do you have to go? Why? There's no law stating you must attend to your mother's summons!"

Draco sighed heavily. "Of course, there isn't. But you have to understand she isn't going to stop until I go. You don't know her; you don't understand the kind of power you can wield with enough money. And unfortunately, I've made sure we have enough money with our investments."

"You're not going!" Harry yelled, running his hand angrily through his hair.

"Try and stop me." Draco hadn't meant to issue a challenge, but once out, he couldn't take it back.

Harry froze, his eyes searching Draco's. "Don't go. I'm begging you. I have a bad feeling about this."

The fact Harry wasn't yelling anymore made Draco pause more than the words themselves. He shook his head. "I have to."

"Fine, Malfoy. Do what you want, just like you always do," Harry spat, turning and stomping up the stairs.

Draco stood there, staring after his boyfriend, lost as to what to do. He had to go. Harry just didn't understand.

A hand on his arm drew him out of his reverie. "It'll be okay," Hermione comforted him. "Harry will come around. He's just scared for you."

Draco rolled his eyes, although he was touched. "Him and his 'feelings'."

Hermione frowned. "Draco, the only reason we're all alive is because of Harry's 'feelings.' Don't dismiss what he's saying so quickly."

"But it's my mother! She's insane, but she's not that insane. Not insane enough to actually do anything," Draco told Hermione in an effort to convince both of them. Her words had shaken him.

"Love and hate do twisted things to people, Draco. Just be careful, please, when you go tomorrow."

Draco threw an arm around Hermione and squeezed. "Thank you, 'Mione. Of course, I will."

She snuggled up closer. "You smell nice, always like vanilla and spearmint. It's lovely."

Draco grinned and released her. "I'll give him some time. Maybe he'll calm down before I go."

After a painfully silent night in their shared dormitory, Harry rose at dawn and left the room without so much as a glance at Draco. Rolling over, Draco went back to sleep for several more hours upon which he rose and dressed in his black suit. To occupy his time, Draco laid back down with a book, determined to focus on something other than his hammering heart and sweaty palms. He didn't even go down for breakfast or lunch. At 2, he rose.

"Why are you wearing that?" Ron asked as he made his way down the stairs to the common room.

"It's expected when calling on others, not that you would know anything about that," Draco snapped. Before Ron could open his mouth, Draco was already apologizing. "I'm sorry, Ron. I didn't mean to say that. I'm just on edge."

Slightly mollified, Ron said, "Alright. We'll pretend you didn't just revert to your old self. You do look nice, though. Even I can admit that."

Draco tugged on the left sleeve of his jacket nervously. "Is Harry not here?"

Blaise stumbled down the stairs behind Draco. "Oh good, I didn't miss my sexiest model leave for the afternoon. You look beautiful, darling," Blaise said, kissing Draco on the cheek on his way past to flop onto the closest couch.

"Hermione was here, but she ran up to the room for something," Ron added, giving Blaise a stern glare for kissing his best friend's boyfriend.

"Draco!" Hermione called down the stairs as she flung herself down them at a run. "Oh, thank god you haven't left yet." She ran to him and started straightening his already straight collar, running her hands along the length of it and making sure it was evenly folded. "There. You look perfect now."

Draco grinned down at her. She really was one of his favorite people, whether she was a know-it-all or not. "Thank you."

"I didn't get a thank you when I told you you looked dashing!" Blaise pouted.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Thank you, darling."

Blaise preened under the attention.

"Is Harry not coming to see me off?" Draco whispered to Hermione.

She shook her head. "I don't think so. He was still mad this morning."

Draco sighed. "Then I'm off. Hopefully, I'll be back by dinner. If not, you all know where I am. Please come rescue me," he half joked.

All of his friends frowned as he walked out of the portrait hole and into the hallway. Draco dragged his feet on the way down, reluctant to leave the school property and attend to his mother. It bothered him immensely that Harry had vanished and hadn't said goodbye.

As if he had been pulled from Draco's thoughts, Harry stepped out in front of the great doors leading outside.

"So, you're still going?" Harry asked.


"Fine." Harry walked over and stood in front of Draco. "I love you. Be safe."

Relief washed over Draco, and he couldn't help but smile. "I will. I love you too." He leaned down and planted a lingering kiss on Harry's lips. "I'll be back before you know it." He sidestepped Harry and walked out into the sunlight, not looking back. He didn't think he could go on if he saw the disappointed look on Harry's face.

He strolled across the ground until he stepped out of the gates and onto the road where he apparated away.

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