Chapter Nineteen: Interruptions

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            Harry and Ron hurried to catch up to Hermione after charms; she was already halfway down the corridor heading towards lunch.

"Hermione! Wait up!" Harry called out. She paused and half-turned to watch the two men approach.

"What was that?!" Ron yelled.

Hermione sniffed. "What was what?"

"Get off it! You know what!"

"Ron, keep your voice down, please," Harry hissed. They were drawing even more looks than usual.

"I will not! She sat with that git! Willingly!" Ron screeched, working himself up even more with every word.

"Draco is not a git, at least not anymore, Ron," Hermione huffed. "He's actually quite pleasant."

"Pleasant? A Malfoy? What kind of curse does he have you under exactly?" Ron reached out to check Hermione's head for a temperature, but Krum's sudden arrival stopped him.

"Vhat's going on?" Viktor asked, looking between Hermione's irritated expression and Ron's flushed face.

"Ron has a problem with Hermione sitting with Draco," Harry supplied when neither of them spoke.

"As if you don't!" Ron spat out. "And when did you start calling him Draco?"

Harry shrugged. "It's weird, but I actually don't. And I started calling him by his name when he asked me to a couple nights ago."

"But – but -," Ron sputtered. "He's horrible!"

"Is not," a voice behind them said. They turned to see Luna and Neville standing there.

"Course he is! Look at all the crap he's done to all of us over the years!"

Neville stared at Ron. "People change, Ron. I'm helping him in herbology in exchange for help in transfiguration, and he's been nothing but pleasant. A little quiet, but still pleasant."

"And he's been lovely to me," Luna added mistily.

Hermione nodded. "He and I came to an understanding today. He even apologized for his horrid behavior."

"He's been really helpful to me," Harry added lowly. "With stuff. And a really solid roommate."

Ron looked around for some kind of support. Everyone just stared at him. "But he has the Dark Mark!" Ron finally exploded.

Silence descended on the hallway. Even the observers stopped whispering.

"So what?" hissed Harry, his blood suddenly boiling. "So what if he has it? It's not his fault. You can't help where you come from."

"Look vhere I come from," Viktor said slowly. "Look at vhat kind of school I vent to. And I vant nothing to do vith the dark arts."

"But, but-."

Harry cut him off.

"But nothing, Ron. Knock it off and leave Draco alone."

For a second, it looked like he would argue, but he shut his mouth and crossed his arms, stalking off down the hall.

Harry shook his head. Why was he defending Draco?

Because he deserves your loyalty, a voice in the back of his head whispered.

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