Chapter Four: Confronting the EX

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Harry didn't know what the do, both with his current seating situation and his potion. Regarding the seating arrangement, Draco had surprised him by accepting their fate more graciously than Harry could. He'd scooted over and hadn't said a word. No snide comments were cast about when it became abundantly clear that Harry had no idea how to make the Draught of Living Death.

Harry blamed this confusion on Draco's sudden change in behavior. He thought he'd followed the directions to a t, yet his potion wasn't the smooth mauve color of Draco's. It was a brightly iridescent purple.

Giving up, he slumped back with a sigh. He wouldn't be getting very many points for today's lesson. Closing his eyes, Harry contemplated his life. It currently sucked. No one wanted to leave him alone, he had barely started classes and was already failing, and he was continually being paired with the boy who had tormented him for the past seven years. Even if Draco seemed to have changed, Harry didn't trust him. It was too convenient.

Harry opened his eyes just in time to see Draco's hand drop something into Harry cauldron, which hissed slightly.

Sitting up quickly, Harry started, "Hey! What did you-," before stopping abruptly. His potion was turning a smooth mauve before his eyes. Harry turned to look at Draco, who was smiling slightly. The sight knocked the breath out of Harry; he had so rarely seen the other boy do anything other than smirk. "You forgot the powdered dung beetle, Potter."

Harry nodded mutely, still taken aback.

Slughorn took that moment to waddle over and peer into both their cauldrons. "Excellent, my boys! Just excellent! Full marks for both of you!"

"Thank you, sir," Harry murdered, feeling a bit guilty. If it hadn't been for Draco, he would have failed - the powdered dung beetle was the most critical part of the potion.

With a flick of his wrist, Slughorn cleared the cauldrons and dismissed his small class. Harry packed hastily before giving Malfoy a small, "Thanks." The other boy froze, before nodding once in acknowledgment, his small private smile back. It softened his features, and Harry was shocked to find how different Draco looked. He was ethereal, pretty even.

Harry shook his head and practically ran to Hermione, who was waiting for him by the door. "What was that?" She hissed at Harry as they started down the passageway.

"I don't know. I think Malfoy just saved my grade in potions."

Hermione frowned. "Why would he do that?"

"I don't know... but Hermione, why were you crying?"

She stiffened. "I guess you're going to find out anyways - Ron and I broke up this morning."

Harry froze. He had had terrible nightmares about just this event ever since they'd gotten together. "Are you okay?"

Hermione sniffed and looked down, hiding her face. "We're better off as friends, Harry. That's all we ever should have been."

Secretly agreeing, Harry stopped Hermione and wrapped his arms around her. "It'll be okay, Hermione. Just remember I'm always you're friend even if Ron is my best mate. He can still be a right arse."

"Thanks, Harry," she whispered into his chest. Harry was almost a head taller than she was now and saw Neville and Luna heading their direction. Luna took in the sight with wide eyes, before drifting over to them.

"Hermione, I think it's time to let go of Harry. He looks uncomfortable. But you're welcome to hug me, I'd rather like it, I think." Harry stared at Luna, trying not to laugh as Hermione straightened herself and sighed.

"Maybe later, Luna."

Lunch was a subdued affair, with Ron and Hermione each pretending the other didn't exist. Luna and Neville were as talkative as ever, trying to cover up the awkwardness, but they were still poor substitutes for his best friends. Harry wondered how long this would last.

Exhausted, Harry excused himself from the table. He hadn't touched his plate. "I need to run upstairs to grab a book I forgot." Everyone nodded as he turned away.

Halfway up the grand staircase, he saw the one person he'd been hoping to avoid indefinitely; Ginny. He froze like a house-elf caught stealing clothes, unsure what to do. His decision was made for him when Ginny ran to him and wrapped him in a big hug.

"Harry!" She cried. She looked up, expectantly waiting for a kiss that would never come.

"Ginny, what are you doing?" Harry hissed. He heard someone moving behind him, but he didn't dare turn to look.

"Saying hi to you! I can't believe I missed you all last night! It's like you were avoiding me!" She stood on her tiptoes, trying to get closer to his mouth. Harry gently placed his hand on Ginny's head and pressed down.

"Ginny, what are you doing? We talked about it this summer, and we're better off as friends."

She sank back onto her heels, pouting. "I didn't think you were serious, Harry. I mean, everyone wonders, but..."

Praying that whoever was behind them had stopped for any reason other than they were listening in on the conversation, Harry half-whispered, "No, Ginny, I am very much serious."

Taking in his countenance, it slowly dawned on the girl he meant what he said. And as it did, she turned very, very red, red enough to match her hair. "YOU REALLY ARE GAY!?"

Whoever was standing behind them dropped their books. Harry closed his eyes in agony. "Ginny, I'm bi. We went over this. But we aren't together anymore, regardless of my sexual orientation. And can you keep it down a little?"

Before he could say anything else, Ginny burst into tears, slapped him, and ran down the stairs. Harry hadn't heard whoever was standing behind them move. Slowly, Harry turned on the stairs, to find Draco Malfoy staring at him, looking for all the world like he was the one that had just been slapped. His stomach sank. Everyone would know by dinner now.

"You're gay, Potter?" Malfoy mouthed, no sound actually escaping him.

The look of utter happiness on Malfoy's face was Harry's undoing. Hot tears burned behind his eyelids. "It's none of your business. And it's no one else's business, either."

As if sensing Harry's anguish, Malfoy lowered his eyes. "I won't tell, Harry. I promise. Not that you have any reason to trust me." Turning on his heel, Malfoy walked down the hall.

Harry stared after him, stunned. Malfoy had just called him Harry.

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