Chapter Thirty: Christmas Morning at St. Mungos

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            It had been decided that the group would stay at school until the morning of Christmas, at which time they would use the Headmistress' fire to floo into the Malfoy's private room at St. Mungos.

Narcissa was housed in a private suite on the long term ward. Draco was the first to step out of the fire and into the room, followed quickly by Harry and the others. Taking a fortifying breath, Draco turned to the Head Healer. "Will she even know we're here?"

The Healer shrugged. "We don't know. Perhaps. She's still unresponsive to all stimuli."

"Lovely," Draco muttered, heading towards the bed set in the center of the room. Narcissa lay like a doll, her long blond hair fanned out around her.

"She's beautiful," Hermione breathed as she sat down on the opposite side of the bed.

"Course she is," Blaise snorted, sitting next to Hermione. "She's a Malfoy. I mean, look at the bloodline; they're gorgeous."

"Thanks, Blaise," Draco smiled slightly.

"He's right," Harry whispered too low for anyone to hear, sitting down next to Draco.

Ron sat next to Blaise, "This is a much nicer room than my dad had when he was here."

"Money can buy you almost anything. I don't even want to think about how much I'm spending on this room." Draco shuddered. Tentatively he reached out and grabbed his mother's hand. It felt like holding a doll – cold and stiff.

Silence fell on the room.

"So, Narcissa," Blaise suddenly broke the silence. "I've been watching after Draco for some time now, just like you asked. He's doing better, and he's in love with someone, although they're too dense to realize it." Ron and Hermione giggled, and Draco turned bright red. Harry looked annoyed at not being part of the secret. "I don't know if you'd like him, though. Oh yea, your son is gay."

"Blaise!" Draco hissed, eyeing the prone figure of his mother.

"It's not like she's paying any attention. If she was, she would have woken up screaming by now."

Everyone turned to Narcissa, waiting for a reaction, but there was none. "See?" Blaise said.

Getting into the spirit of things, Draco told his mother, "I brought blood traitors and mudbloods and bloody Harry Potter to visit you. I'm sure you love that, and I'm sure you're even more thrilled to know they're my friends now."


Draco sighed. His mother wasn't coming back.

"You know," Harry whispered, "your mother is the only reason I'm alive right now."

Draco jerked his head around to stare at Harry. "What?"

"She lied to Voldemort – said I was dead when I wasn't just so she could go to the castle and find you. She loves you enough to risk her life to get to you."

Draco didn't know what to say. "I didn't know..."

"Maybe she wants to be here, but just can't be," Hermione theorized.

Draco scoffed, trying to hide his discomfort. "She's still chosen my father over me; that's why she's like this. His life is more important than mine, it always has been."

"Don't say that, mate," Ron interjected. "She's your mom – she loves you."

Draco smirked. "Sure, she does."

Silence fell on the room again, the only sound the ticking of the clock on the mantlepiece.

"You know, we should decorate the room," Hermione suggested.

"Why? It's not like she knows what day it is," Draco said.

Hermione sighed. "It's not for her, it's for us. Come on, let's get started." She stood and walked to the corner, where she transfigured a chair into a beautiful fir tree. The rest of the group rose and started stringing lights or creating giant glass ornaments that hung from the ceiling. Draco looked on in first puzzlement, and then appreciation. Slowly he stood as well and started helping Blaise hang a wreath on the door.

By the time they were all done, the room was the best-decorated room in the hospital. Draco felt a smile on his lips he couldn't keep away. Everyone except Draco sat back down.

"There, everything is better now."

"Thank you, Hermione," Draco said, leaning down and kissing the top of her head. He glanced up to find Harry glaring at them. Confused, Draco returned to his seat.

"You know, even though I no longer respect or admire my father, it's hard not having him or my mother around this year. Christmas was one of the few days where we were actually a big happy family."

Harry wrapped an arm around Draco, who leaned into the one-armed hug.

"We can only imagine," Ron said. He glanced at his watch. "We better get going, guys. Mom's about to have a fit, I can feel it." He shuddered.

"I better get going too. My mom's waiting for me," Blaise added.

"Thank you all for coming. It means the world to me."

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Of course."

"Don't worry about it, mate."

First Blaise, then Ron and Hermione floo'd out of the room, leaving just Harry and Draco. "How are you getting home?" Harry asked.

"Apparating." Draco sighed. He was suddenly very, very tired and put his head down on his mother's bed.

Harry placed a comforting hand on his back and started rubbing gently. "You ready to go then?"

"I'm too tired," Draco whined.

"I'll take you. I remember how to get there."

Draco raised his head. "Would you really do that for me?"

Harry smiled a cheeky grin. "Of course. Come on." Harry helped Draco to his feet and said, "Hold on tight."

One could only ever be so prepared for apparition, and Draco shuddered as they reappeared on front steps that were definitely not his. "Where -," he started but was cut off when the front door flew open and a plump, red-haired witch threw herself at Harry.

"Harry! Just in time!" They beamed at each other as she pulled back. Dully Draco realized she looked like Ron and Ginny. She turned to Draco, and her smile never faltered. "Draco! It's so lovely that you could join us!" She wrapped him in a mother's hug, so different than the boney ones he'd always received from his own mother.

Pulling back, she patted his cheek. "You both are much too thin. Come in, come in!"

Draco stayed where he stood. "Mrs. Weasley? Why am I here?"

Turning back to him with her hands on her hips, she said, "Once a cousin of ours, always a cousin of ours, no matter how far removed you are. You're family, and we're happy to have you here." With that, she dragged him inside and closed the door.

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