Chapter Twenty: George's Letter

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George –

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply to your last letter; it just gave me so much to think about.

First, about Draco: I don't know. You brought up the idea that maybe he was playing some elaborate prank on me, but I can't figure out how he'd make that work. We're in therapy together, and I shouldn't be saying this, but his childhood was pretty shitty. Like, really shitty. I'm beginning to understand why he was always such a git. Not that that excuses his behavior. I'm starting to think he really did change, as unlikely as that seems. But you're right, even though we're friends now, I should still tread carefully. But he is the reason I've started eating again. I know we've spoken about how much trouble I've been having, but Draco's been forcing me to eat. The first couple of times I threw it all up, but now I can keep more down.

Second, I'm so glad to hear the shop is doing well. It's still the best place in Diagon Alley. Good luck looking for help, though. It takes a special person, I know. Hopefully, you'll find someone soon – I know Ron is seriously considering joining you once we graduate.

I'm missing Fred these days – I'm missing you both, actually. The hallways aren't the same without you both. I know nothing will ever be the same, but one can wish. I had a dream the other night about all three of us – we were exploring using the map. It was nice to see Fred again, even if I did wake up in tears.

I know you understand my pain – the guilt hasn't gone away. So many people died to protect me, and there's nothing I can do to fix that. Even when I tried to die myself, I messed it up. Even with the therapy, I still feel so lost, George. Does your grief consume you as much as it does me?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to get so depressing. But I don't have much else to say.

Ginny still isn't talking to me, but at least she isn't slapping me again. That hurt. But on the bright side, she didn't hex me. I'm sorry I broke your sister's heart. We probably never should have dated. But hindsight and all that.

It's getting late; I better finish this up. Draco is trying to go to bed, and I know the light is bothering him, even though he won't say anything about it.

All my love,


Harry –

I'm so glad you finally wrote me back. I was starting to get worried that Malfoy had hexed you or something. Although I suppose Ron would have told me. You should have seen the letter he sent me about Malfoy when you sat with him at lunch! Sixteen pages long! He used words I didn't know he knew; it was rather impressive, to be honest.

I trust you, Harry, which means I trust your judgment even if I think you lean towards too much trust in others. If you believe Malfoy has changed, I won't say anything else about it. And when did you start calling him 'Draco'? Very familiar...

It's such a relief that you're eating again. From all sources, you were getting way too thin. You know I had the same issue, and it was only Mom's constant nagging that saved me. Losing Fred meant I lost half my soul. I might be able to forgive the git for helping you. No promises, though. I have to consider it further.

We've had several interviews for an assistant manager, but none of them have been a good fit – don't have the right flair for chaos. I would seriously consider Ron if he reaches out. Let him know that for me, will you?

I don't know if either of us will ever get over our guilt, but I genuinely believe it will get better with time. We just have to make it that far, first, which is the challenge. I know Fred would have hated that we've stopped laughing. After all the years we spent making chaos and joy for everyone around us, it's a tragedy that it stopped. I'm just too tired most days to pretend, but sometimes I feel like the old me surfaces momentarily. I know you understand what I'm saying. You know better than anyone else, which I'm grateful for. I don't have to pretend with you, my friend.

Ginny will get over herself; her pride's just hurt. She's never been dumped before, and then to be dumped by the famous Harry Potter? Oh goodness, she was right pissed. I just want to make it clear that no one in the family is mad at you, Harry, and we all support and love you, no matter your sexuality. You're still expected home for Christmas. Mom would have a fit if you didn't come.

I'll write to you again soon. You are, after all, my favorite correspondent.


The most handsome Weasley, Feorge

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