Chapter Forty-Two: Rumors Spread

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            Harry watched Draco flinch. Turning away from his mother, he stood, his chair scraping across the floor loudly. Draco turned and fled, leaving Harry and Narcissa alone.

"I hope you're happy," Harry managed to get out around the knot in his throat.

Narcissa's eyes didn't leave the doorway her son had just stormed through. "Ecstatic, Potter. Now get out of my sight."

Harry rose and left. He found Draco in his hospital room, packing the bag that Blaise had brought for him. "What are you doing?"

Draco sneered. "Packing, obviously."

"What for? The Healers don't want you discharged until tomorrow."

His hands stilling, Draco looked up at Harry. "I can't stand to be this close to her. She might try to visit, and I'm not ready for that."

"You can't hide from her forever," Harry whispered, taking a step closer to his boyfriend.

"I know that," Draco spat. Harry could tell he was working himself up in a right anger. "But I'm not ready to face her. I thought she was dead for fuck's sake, Harry. I never expected to have her see how – how -," he broke off, turning red.

"How far you've fallen?" Harry finished for him.

Draco nodded. "Yea. I am no longer a Malfoy for all intents and purposes. And I don't know how to feel about it because it's all I've ever known."

The words hurt Harry, but he tried to understand. "Are you ashamed of us?"

His eyes flashing, Draco shook his head vehemently. "No. Never. I love you. And I love our friends. I could never be ashamed of any of you."

Harry let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. He closed the distance between them and wrapped Draco up into his arms. The other man started shaking, and Harry realized he was crying.

"I thought I was past the point where she could hurt me so easily."

Harry said nothing and simply rubbed soothing circles on the other man's back. After a while, Draco stilled and pulled back enough to give Harry a kiss. It was fragile and said more than Draco could put into words, enough to make Harry's heart break.

"Where are we going?"

"Back to Hogwarts. I'm ready for things to get back to normal."

Harry nodded but didn't tell Draco everything had changed. He would, later, when Draco was more stable. "You better tell McGonagall that we're coming back."

Draco grabbed his wand and cast the silent spell. His Patronus, larger than any Harry had ever seen, erupted out of the end of his wand before flying off. "What?" Draco asked, seeing the look on Harry's face.

"I knew what it was obviously but – Draco – your Patronus is amazing."

Draco blushed. "Let's get going."

Harry grabbed the man's hand and apparated to the front gates of Hogwarts. Keeping a firm grip on Draco's hand, Harry started walking forward. Draco tried to pull away, and Harry stopped walking. "What is it?"

"Harry, we can't just walk into Hogwarts holding hands. Everyone will know..."

Harry stared at Draco. For someone so smart, he was so dumb sometimes. "Draco, I've been at your beside nonstop since you got hurt. I've been to no classes, and I haven't even been to Hogwarts. I think it's safe to say that everyone already knows."

Draco stared at him in horror. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I love you, you daft idiot. Now come on. There's nothing we can do about it now."

Draco stopped struggling, but he still looked deathly pale, whether from the apparition or the news that the entire castle knew they were dating Harry didn't know. Perhaps both.

"Lunch is going on right now, and I'm starving. Let's go."

Draco allowed himself to be pulled along without further complaint. They paused on the steps, and Harry couldn't help but laugh. "You know when I first saw you again, standing right here. I thought I still hated you."

Draco straightened, so he was standing taller than Harry. "I was thinking how much I loved you and how painful this school year was going to be."

Harry smiled broadly. "Guess we were both wrong."

Draco nodded, smiling softly back at his love.

They strode had and hand into the building and through the doors that led to the Great Hall. Instantly silence fell as every pair of eyes turned to take in the sight of Harry Potter holding Draco Malfoy's hand. As they started towards the table their friends were waving from, the whispers began, just low enough that Harry and Draco couldn't understand what they were saying. Draco flinched every time they passed a new table.

Harry dragged Draco into the seat next to him.

Luna was the first to speak, rising as she did to come over to Draco and give him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so happy you're back, Draco. I missed you."

"We all did," Neville added. He was snuggled up next to Blaise contentedly.

Draco nodded awkwardly. "I'm glad to be back." He glanced around them at all the staring faces. "I think."

"Ignore them," Hermione advised. "They'll get tired of all the rumors eventually."

"I don't think so, but thank you," he murmured. Harry watched him flinch when someone walked up to the table and laid a hand on his arm. It was a fifth-year girl who had been in Slytherin. She leaned down and said in Draco's ear, "Blood traitor. Just wait."

"For fucks sake! I'm right here!" Harry yelled, drawing more attention to them. "Shove off, you little brat!"

The girl cast him a contemptuous glance and strolled away, tossing her long hair over her shoulder.

"Don't listen to her, whatever she said." Ron frowned.

Before anyone else could try and comfort Draco, Headmistress McGonagall rose from her seat at the head table. Harry reached under their table and grabbed Draco's hand, squeezing tightly to remind him he wasn't alone in this.

"After recent events," McGonagall began, "I find it necessary to remind all students and staff that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is an inclusive school that loves and supports its LGBT+ community. Any intolerance or hate will be dealt with swiftly and severely. All students deserve to feel safe, and we will do everything in our power to make sure they do." She sat back down.

Harry smiled but stopped when he saw Draco shaking his head. "What's wrong?"

"This is only going to make things worse; take my word for it."

Wondering if Draco was right, he turned back to his food.

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