Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ginny's Apology

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Harry was sitting in the library trying to finish his potions essay before his tutoring session with Draco so the other man could look over it. He was so focused he didn't realize Ginny had slid into the seat next to him until she cleared her throat.


She rolled her eyes. "Obviously, Harry."

Harry scoot out of her wingspan in case she decided she wanted to attack him again. Realizing what he was doing, Ginny sighed. "I'm not here to hurt you, Harry. I'm here to apologize."

He relaxed slightly. "Oh?"

"Yes, oh."

Harry waited patiently while Ginny collected her thoughts.

"I'm sorry I acted the way I did, Harry. I really liked you, and to find out that you weren't straight, well, I was jealous and insecure. That doesn't excuse my behavior, but that's the truth. I was blindsided and lashed out at you, refusing to see anything from your point of view. It was cruel of me, and I'm so sorry, Harry. I hope we can still be friends."

Harry smiled. "Of course we can, Ginny. And I'm sorry that I only see you as a little sister."

She sniffed. "I better be the favorite little sister, then."

"Course you are."

Smiling at that, she worried her hands in her lap. "I want you to know I didn't tell anyone except Hermione, you know. Even though I was so mad at you. I would never do that to you."

"I know you didn't. You should have seen Ron's face when I told him – I thought something had broken in his head for a second while he was trying to process what I said."

Ginny laughed. "I wish I hadn't been avoiding you, then."

"Same. I've missed my friend." Harry reached across the space that separated them and grabbed her hands, holding them tightly.

Ginny blushed, clashing with her red hair. "Is there anyone you like?"

Without thinking, Harry shook his head.

Eyebrows raised, Ginny said, "Really? Because you've been spending quite a lot of time with a certain blond-haired git."

"Oh, be nice, Ginny," was all Harry could get out before said blond-haired git approached their table, a frown etched into his chiseled features.

"Weasley," Draco said, nodding at Ginny.


"Harry, are we still having our tutoring session in fifteen minutes?"

He nodded. Draco almost smiled before the frown returned. He glanced in between the two of them who were sitting facing each other, still holding hands. He snorted and snapped, "Don't be late."

Harry watched the retreating back, confused. "What's wrong with him?"

He turned at Ginny's giggle. "God, Harry, you're so oblivious. I better get going." She stood and patted his head before turning away.

"Oblivious? Me? Nah," Harry muttered to himself. He picked up his report, which wasn't finished, and stuffed it into his bag.

He hurried off to the dungeons, making it just in time to see Draco slam the cauldron onto its stand before angrily jabbing the air creating a small fire beneath it.

"Oh, Potter, glad you could make it," he snapped. Before Harry could respond to the sudden use of his last name Draco continued. "Today, you will be brewing the Concoction of Common Sense. Go."

Draco stormed over to the sink and started washing his own potions materials by hand, leaving Harry to stand there utterly confused. Slowly he took out his textbook and turned to the right page. "Damn," he said under his breath. He'd be here all night if he didn't get started now.

Every time Draco corrected something he did, Draco did it with his old smirk in place until finally, Harry spat out, "What's your problem, Draco?" The potion needed one more stir before it was finished. Harry angrily circled the spoon.

Instead of answering, Draco stared at the potion. "Now try it, Potter."

"What?" Harry had never tried any of his potions before.

"Try it," Draco growled. "It's perfectly safe; I just think you could use some extra common sense right about now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry asked, anger beginning to boil in his blood.

"Nothing Potter! You better clean up and leave so you can meet your precious girlfriend!" Draco snarled.

Harry stood there, stumped. Girlfriend? What girlfriend? Unable to think of anything else to do, Harry dunked the spoon into the potion and took a spoonful. Almost instantly, he felt warmer, fresher. He turned back to Draco, who was staring at him with his mouth open. "Did you just..." he trailed off.

It felt like Harry's brain was in overdrive. Why had Draco changed his attitude so quickly? And what about a girlfriend? Then suddenly, it hit him: the scene with Ginny in the library! He chuckled to himself.

"I don't see what's so funny, Potter."

"Ginny -,"

Draco cut him off. "Isn't good enough for you. I was there when she hit you, don't forget that. I saw her reaction to your sexuality. She -."

Harry started laughing again. "Draco, we didn't get back together."

"You didn't?" Draco echoed, deflating.

Harry shook his head. "No, we didn't. We were just talking – well, she was apologizing, actually."

Draco seemed to be frozen. "Oh," he eventually said.

Harry's smile faded slightly, the effects of his single spoonful of potion wearing off. "Why are you so concerned?"

Clearing his throat, Draco shifted uneasily. "We're friends, and she's not good enough for you."

Harry cocked his head, feeling like he was missing something.

"Come on, let's clean up it's almost curfew, Harry," Draco said, turning away, but not before Harry saw the smile on his face.

They walked together back to their room. "Why don't you have a boyfriend, Draco?"

Draco stumbled and nearly fell down the stairs. "What?'

"Why don't you have a boyfriend? It's not like you're unattractive, and you were always popular with the ladies before you came out."

"There's someone I really like, but he doesn't know I exist," Draco admitted slowly.

Harry frowned, completely unaware he'd just called Draco attractive. "Why don't you tell him?"

"Harry, he's too good for me. I'm an ex-Death Eater. I'm no good."

At his words, Harry stopped and grabbed Draco's arm, the one with the tattoo, pulling the other man to a stop. "Don't say stuff like that."

"Why?" Draco laughed humorlessly. "It's true."

"No, it's not. You're different now. You're a good person, Draco. Anyone would be lucky to have you." Harry met Draco's silver eyes and saw something flicker in their depths before it was extinguished.

"Yea, I'll think about it. Telling him, I mean."

"Good," Harry said. They started back up the stairs, but Harry felt a weight settle on his shoulders for some reason.

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