Chapter Eighteen: The Weirdest Class Ever

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            "Er," Blaise tapped Hermione's shoulder surreptitiously so as not the draw Professor Flitwick's attention. "I think you're confused, Granger. Your seat is at the front."

Out of the side of her mouth, she whispered, "I am not confused, Blaise Zabini. And if you make me miss even one word of this lecture, I will hex you so hard."

"Ooo kinky," he said. Silently she hit him with a zipped lip hex, and he instantly shut up, his eyes wide and his mouth unable to open.

When it came time to practice the water dancing charm, she whispered the countercurse. "I stand by what I said," Blaise announced, rubbing his lips. "Kinky."

"Really, you're as bad as Ron!"

"But much more handsome!" Blaise said, striking a pose.

To Draco's great surprise, Hermione laughed. "Possibly."

Draco caught sight of Harry glancing over, a frown on his face. "Look out, Hermione, I think the Golden Boy is going to come over."

"You mean the light of your – oops!" Blaise clapped his hand over his mouth, looking at Hermione in horror.

"She knows."

"I know."

Blaise dropped his hand. "You told her? It took me weeks to get it out of you!"

"Of course I didn't tell her!"

"I figured it out on my own," Hermione said. "Oh shoot, Harry really is coming over here."

Harry was halfway across the room filled with swishing wands and loud incantations. Reaching their shared desk, he glanced questioningly between all three. "Hermione?"

"Yes, Harry?"

"Why are you sitting here?"

Hermione gave him an exasperated sigh. "Because I want to. I'm tired of sitting next to Ron; he won't stop teasing me about Viktor. I can't stand it. And besides, Draco and I are both top of the class – we make a good pair."

Harry turned wide eyes to Draco. "You're top of the class with Hermione?"

Draco nodded. Admiration shone in Harry's eyes, thrilling Draco. Then Harry frowned. "But -," he didn't finish the sentence, and Draco's heart dropped. It was 'but why' or 'but how,' both of which would hurt to hear.

Hermione came to the rescue. "Harry, you're getting in the way of my practice. Can you please go sit down?"

Still confused, Harry nodded and went back to Ron, who was openly staring along with at least half of the class. Whispers started when everyone realized Hermione was staying with the two ex-Slytherins.

"Just ignore them and help me with his charm, please. You have it down, Draco, and I need to catch up."

"Why aren't you asking me for help?" Blaise asked, frowning.

"Because you still can't tell which way your wand goes," Draco said. Blaise was holding his wand upside down.


Hermione snorted.

Draco corrected her wand movement, and instantly the water in the basin rose and started doing a pirouette. Hermione beamed.

"Why are you sitting with us?" Draco asked.

Blaise added, "You're committing social suicide."

"Because I'm tired of all this shit. I can sit with whoever I want. We aren't Gryffindors and Slytherins anymore. We're just students."

Blaise chuckled. "You are overly optimistic."

"You don't walk the halls with us," Draco whispered.

Hermione's fierce expression instantly softened. "Oh, Draco. I've heard all about it from Luna. I'm just glad no one has really hurt you yet."

Blaise coughed. "That isn't exactly true. Draco has spent several nights in the hospital wing, regrowing a few bones, and once with a few broken ribs. And we've only been back two months."

Hermione turned horror to Draco. "Why haven't you said anything to anyone?"

Draco shook his head. "It'll only make things worse. Besides, I never know who's done what; I don't want to get anyone in trouble for no reason. Besides, the teachers know. They're trying their best to help, but they can only do so much, walk me to so many classes."

"That horrible! You haven't done anything to deserve this!"

"Well..." Draco started.

"You haven't," Hermione said through clenched teeth. Draco didn't dare contradict her.

"So you and Krum," Blaise interrupted, changing the topic.

"They're definitely an item," Draco replied, thinking of the snogfest he'd interrupted earlier.

Blaise's eyes lit up. "Tell me all about it!"

Hermione was blushing furiously. "What do you want to know?"

"Everyone remembers you at the Yule Ball, but then you dated Weasley. How'd you get back to Krum?"

She blushed an even darker shade if that was possible. "After the war, he contacted me, and we started talking again, just as friends. And then when Ron and I broke up, he told me he still had feelings for me. And after some soul searching, I realized I did, too."

"Draco here was so jealous of Krum that year," Blaise announced.

Draco glared at him. "Oh shut it, Blaise."

"He was. It was either Potter this or Krum that. Everyone was right tired of him by the end of it."

It was Draco's turn to blush. "Well, Krum was everything I wanted to be; of course, I was jealous. And we all know about Harry, that's not a secret to us. Even if I was an idiot and didn't realize why I was obsessed with him."

Hermione patted his arm. "It's okay, both of them are rather amazing. It's only natural."

"Thank you, Hermione," Draco said, trying to act poised when in reality, he was dying of embarrassment.

"I think it's time you two stopped chit-chatting and helped Blaise before he lights the water on fire again," Professor Flitwick said, saddling up to them. They both turned to Blaise.

"You let the water on fire?" Hermione asked, confused.

"Only once," Blaise pouted.

"Oh dear, come here," Hermione scooted closer to Blaise and wrapped her hand around his wand hand, readjusting his fingers.

While his friend(s?) were busy, Draco's eyes were drawn to Harry. He was staring at Draco again, this time with wonder in his eyes. At least, that's what Draco thought it was. But that couldn't be right, could it?

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