Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Breaking Point

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 Draco was awoken by Harry screaming. Jumping out of bed, he didn't even bother putting on a shirt before launching himself over to his boyfriend's side of the room.

"Harry, Harry, wake up!" Draco shook Harry roughly, trying to rouse him.

Slowly Harry came to. "Whaa-," he moaned. "Is everyone okay? Did we get them all out?"

"Harry, we're in our bedroom. There's no one here but us."

Harry groaned. "Just a dream. Just a real shitty dream."

Draco sat on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through Harry's hair soothingly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. Maybe. I don't know." To Draco's surprise, Harry tugged on his arm. "Can you lay down with me, please?"

Draco hesitated for a moment before lying down, facing Harry. "Better?"

"Yes." Harry chewed on his bottom lip before saying, "I'm at the Battle of Hogwarts again, and everyone is dying around me. I can't save anyone..."

"But you saved us all, Harry."

"Not all..." he whispered.

Draco's thoughts went to the empty seat at the table at Christmas with the Weasleys. "No, not all. But there was no way you could save literally everyone, Harry."

"But I tried! I didn't want anyone fighting for me!" Tears started leaking out of his eyes.

Draco felt helpless. "They weren't just fighting for you; they were fighting for their friends and families. Just like you were."

And I was on the wrong side of the war. Draco's left arm flinched involuntarily.

Harry was quiet for a long time. "I wish there'd been another way."

"Me too, Harry. Me too."

Harry's eyes started fluttering shut, and Draco began to rise. "No, stay with me, please."

Surprised but pleased, Draco eased back down. Harry turned, so his back was to Draco, who tightly wrapped the young man in his arms. "Better?"

"Yes," Harry whispered.

Draco drifted off to sleep with a smile on his lips. Both slept peacefully, the best sleep they'd had in months.

Waking up with Harry beside him was perhaps one of the greatest pleasures Draco had yet experienced.

"Morning sunshine," Harry yawned.

"Morning, honey pie." Draco grinned wide at the wild tangle Harry's hair had become overnight.

"We better get going. We're going to be late."

Draco nodded and rose, stretching languidly. "I'll meet up with you. I'm skipping breakfast – not hungry. And I want to shower."

Forty-five minutes later, Draco was all but skipping down the deserted corridor when he heard the footsteps behind him. He suddenly turned down another hallway that led nowhere, and the footsteps behind him followed. Draco slowed his pace until he stopped altogether. The person behind him stopped as well.

Draco turned slowly and came face to face with a sixth-year boy he didn't recognize. He gripped his wand tightly. "What do you want?"

The boy laughed, the sound too high pitched to be natural. It bounced off the stone walls and echoed back, doubly disturbing the second time around. "What are you doing with Harry Potter?"

Draco froze at the name of his love. "What do you mean?"

"You've got him under some kind of curse! I know you do! There's no way Harry Potter would ever be with the likes of you!"

Privately, Draco had to agree. But instead, he said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Liar!" The boy pointed his wand in Draco's face. Sparks unintentionally erupted from the end of it, barely missing Draco. "You're just a fag! I know Harry wouldn't be something so disgusting! You've done something to him!"

"Really, nothing is going on between us," Draco lied, inching back slightly.

"Don't move!"

Draco froze.

"Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater. But I'll take care of you!"

Anticipating the boy's next move, Draco cast a shield charm between them. It wasn't enough to stop the "Sectumsempra," from reaching Draco. For the second time in his life, Draco crumpled to the ground feeling as if his insides had suddenly been cut out of his body. "AAAAHHHHHHHH!" he screamed. Lying in his own ever-growing pool of blood, Draco heard the footsteps of the boy running away.

At least he won't watch me die.

Draco coughed, and blood dripped from his mouth. He clutched his torso, trying in vain to keep himself together. There was no Snape to save him this time. No one knew where he was, and no one ever came this way. His own carelessness had ensured that he wouldn't be found.

As his eyes drifted shut against his will, he thought of Harry. Kind, sweet, thick-headed Harry, who had loved him despite everything. A weak smile formed on his lips as darkness enveloped him. At least he had known Harry Potter.

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