Chapter Forty-Three: The Backlash Begins

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Thank you @Unknown_Persons for the explanation of homophobia in the wizarding world. Go check out their books - they're wonderful!            

Draco was delighted Harry's status as 'Savior of the Wizarding World' saved him from the worst of the backlash, although the more aggressive purebloods still tried to attack him on several occasions. Luckily Harry wasn't afraid to cast a quick hex or shield charm, and neither were their friends. No, it was when he had to go someplace alone that there were issues.

No one was dumb enough to pull another stunt that would land Draco in St. Mungos, and he was grateful, but that didn't stop him from being abused. Coming into their common room for the third time that week with a broken nose, Draco ignored the other students and went right to Hermione.

"Please fix my face," he choked out, blood still streaming off his chin and onto the floor.

Handing her book to Viktor to keep her place, Hermione sighed deeply. "Vulnera sanentur." Instantly his nose straightened itself and stopped bleeding, although the blood that had dripped down stayed.

Touching his nose gently, he smiled. "Thanks 'Mione."

Before she could reply, Harry came down from their room. Seeing Draco's state, he rushed over, his face turning red. "What the hell happened this time?"

Draco shrugged but didn't answer further. He didn't need to.

"I don't understand! Why don't you fight back? You're an excellent dueler! Defend yourself, dammit!"

"I can't."

"Of course you can! It's not like you'll be expelled if you're defending yourself!" Harry was working himself into a blinding rage.

"He veally can't," Viktor said quietly. He eyed Draco sadly.

"Why ever not?" Harry turned to Viktor, spitting venom.

"Vecause all anyone sees him as is a Veath Eater, just like vhey used to look at me. If he fights back, anything vhey may do is vustified."

Harry deflated. "Draco's not a Death Eater."

"But I was," he said quietly. It always made his heart soar to know Harry still thought so highly of him, even if it was naive or missed the point. "And that's all anyone can see – someone who killed their loved ones. If I fight back, everything will just get worse. And I want to make it through this year alive if I can't make it through undamaged."

Harry fell into an empty armchair. Draco stood behind him, not bothering to wipe away the blood. In all honesty, he was too tired.

"I don't understand why everyone is so – so hatefully homophobic? I get comments, too; I just don't understand!" Harry cried.

They all looked at him sadly. "Harry, it's like this. Homophobia is rampant in the muggle world, so muggle-borns and half-bloods will already be used to it if they have a muggle parent. For example, there was this big issue where a gay man was hired for a TV show on BBC, well it's unimportant I'm not going to explain to TV to you Malfoy, but people wrote to parliament to get him removed. And purebloods are naturally homophobic because it's been drilled into them that they must produce an heir, which you can't do in a same-sex couple," Hermione finished.

"So, you're saying that the entire world is against us?" Harry whispered.

"More so Draco, mate," Ron added, who had appeared halfway through Hermione's speech. "He's not the Golden Boy Who Saved All Humanity. You have some protection – he has the opposite. A giant target on his back." Ron patted Draco's back as if trying to pat the invisible marker off him.

"So, what do we do?" Harry asked.

"I'm working on it," Hermione sighed. "We need everyone to see how different Draco is, and that'll make things better. Can't do much about the homophobia."

"Dean Thomas is no longer talking to me," Harry sighed. "And neither is Hannah Abbott. They both told me I was a disappointment."

"What do we do in the meantime?" Ron asked.

"Try to protect Draco as best we can," Harry said. "Stop going places without us!" He pointed a finger at Draco accusatorily.

"I hate having to be babysat," he grumbled, but he agreed at a glare from his boyfriend.

"Now go clean your face up. It's disgusting," Harry directed.

Late that evening, when everyone had gone to bed except Ron, who was laid out on the couch drooling, Pansy approached Draco for the first time in years.

"Draco," she said, her words laced with hesitancy.

He glanced up from the charms book he was reading ahead in. "Pansy? What do you want?"

She stood before him, glancing everywhere but at him, wringing her hands.




She glared at him and stomped her foot. "I want to say sorry, dammit! Let me apologize!"

"You're going to apologize? To me?" Draco pointed at himself, confused.

"Yes, you idiot! Now let me do it!"

"Okay." Draco shut up, deciding to enjoy the show.

"I'm sorry for how I acted when you came out to me. I'm sorry I acted like a child and lashed out at you – I was so in love with you, and it hurt to know you'd never feel the same way about me. More so, I had my favorite plaything taken away from me, and we all know I'm not good with that. I never should have stopped being your friend, and I'm sorry, Draco. Please forgive me. I never told anyone what you told me – I never wanted something like this to happen to you. I know we probably won't ever be friends again, but I just needed you to know so that I felt better about myself. I'm still the same selfish brat I've always been." She sniffed.

Draco rose and before she could stop him wrapped her in a warm embrace. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, "All's forgiven. You always kept my secret even when you hated me. That's more than I could ever ask for." He pulled away to find that she had started crying silently. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Drake. So much. You were always my best friend." She wiped at her eyes, hastily.

"Oi, what's going on? Are you cheating on Harry?"

Draco and Pansy turned to stare at Ron in confusion.

"Ron, Pansy is missing a critical part – she's not my type, remember?"

Ron frowned. "Oh, yea. It's Harry that likes both. Hmmm. Well then carry on."

"No, I think you thoroughly ruined the mood Weasley," Pansy hissed.

Ron didn't seem perturbed by the woman. "You look beautiful even if you did just cry, Pansy."

Pansy opened her mouth and closed it several times before stuttering, "Alright. Pick a time and place, Weasley."

Draco stared in utter bewilderment as Ron and Pansy made plans for a date. Draco couldn't wait to tell Harry.

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