Chapter Twenty-Two: Two Bare Arms

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            "Draco, come on, we're going to be late," Harry said from the other side of the bathroom door.

Dravo stood in front of the mirror, fidgeting in front of the mirror. He was wearing a moss green t-shirt that exposed both his arms, putting his tattoo on full display for the world to see. Mind-numbing terror coursed through him. He couldn't do it. A distant part of his brain heard Harry magic the lock undone and enter the bathroom, but Draco's eyes were locked on the place the Dark Mark barely showed.

He jumped when Harry put a hand on his shoulder. "Draco, are you okay?"

"I can't do it."

Instead of insisting he could, Harry gave him a slow perusal. "I think you look great. The color looks great on you, and your tattoo is amazing as ever. I don't see what the issue is."

Harry thought he looked great? Draco almost smiled at the thought. "But the Mark..."

"Is barely noticeable."

"But everyone will know it's there."

Harry sighed dramatically. "Draco, everyone else already knows it's there; that's what's causing half your problems."

Draco choked on a laugh. "You have me there, Harry."

"So, who cares?"

"I do! You're used to having eyes on you. I've been trying to hide all year." Draco met Harry's eyes in the mirror, and a little thrill rocked through him. Harry was staring at him intently, and Draco felt exposed.

"You shouldn't have become my friend then – all my friends are oogled."

Draco frowned and said without thinking, "Well, I don't regret it."

Harry beamed at him and grabbed Draco's hand, dragging him out of the bathroom and their bedroom before dropping it. "Everyone is waiting for us in the common room."

"Who's everyone today?" Draco asked.

"Hermione, Luna, Neville, Blaise, Viktor, and Ron." Harry hesitated over the last name. Ron had stopped yelling about Draco in the hallways, but the two men still avoided each other at all costs. When they were forced together, they pretended like the other didn't exist.

A few steps from the bottom, Draco saw that their group was the only one still in the common room. When they stepped off the stairs, everyone in the room froze. Draco felt like all the air had been sucked out of his lungs. He turned to go back upstairs, but Harry grabbed his arm and dragged him to the waiting group.

"Draco!" Hermione shrieked. "I had no idea! How did you make the stars move?"

Neville stared at him in shock, taking in the night sky in wonder.

Blaise just smiled, having seen the tattoo before, but thoroughly enjoying the scene before him.

"That's impressive," Viktor said quietly, interest evident on his face.

Even Ron couldn't look away, his brow furrowed.

Only Luna looked unaffected. "It took hours and hours to do. The muggle who did it was very nice, though."

Everyone turned to Luna. "You were there?" Hermione asked.

Luna nodded. Draco added, "It was her idea in the first place to get a tattoo. I'd never even considered it."

"Are we all just going to pretend like the prat isn't trying to hide the fact he has the Dark Mark?" Ron spat.

Everyone turned to look at him, but it was Luna that spoke first. "Ronald Weasley, you've been very unkind. I understand Draco has been unkind to you in the past, but that was before, and this is now. Why shouldn't he hide the mark if he wants – it's on his body, isn't it? So I would appreciate it if you stopped. Thank you." She walked over, grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him through the portrait hole, leaving everyone else to follow.

"That was the most aggressive I've ever seen you, Luna," Draco murmured, letting go of her hand.

"I'm tired of his comments."

"Still," Draco couldn't help but smile. Ducking slightly to reach her, he put an arm around her shoulder and gave her a tight squeeze. "Thanks, Luna. I love you."

"If only we liked the opposite sexes. I think we'd be a nice couple," Luna said thoughtfully.

Draco choked on a laugh. "Me too, Luna. Me too."

"Hey, you two, wait up!" They stopped for the rest of the group to catch up. As one, they traveled downstairs and out the doors. Each person they passed stared openly at Draco, whispers erupting around them, some almost audible.

"I don't want to know what they're saying," Draco moaned.

"Well, there are no rules against tattoos, I checked," Hermione said.

"I checked, too," Draco replied.

"Nerds," Ron huffed.

Finally, some called out, "Death Eater! Going around showing his mark off!"

The group turned to find a seventh-year boy standing definitely before them. "Watch what you say," Harry growled. Draco felt a spasm of affection shoot through him. As if he didn't love the Golden Boy enough!

The boy blanched when he saw it was Harry Potter addressing him. "But-,"

"But nothing," Neville piped up.

The boy stared at the group for a second before shaking his head and slinking off.

Draco turned to those around him. "Thank you."

They smiled at him. "What are friends for?"

Draco was able to ignore most of the stares and had even stopped rubbing his tattooed arm by the time they reached the Quidditch pitch. Since houses had been abolished, anyone could form a team and play, resulting in eight separate teams this year.

They sat in the front of the box where everyone could see them. Draco shifted nervously.

Hermione laid a comforting hand on his thigh. "Don't worry so much, Draco. You aren't doing anything wrong by wearing that shirt. Besides, I think it's amazing what you did with your arm."

Draco smiled weakly.

To his surprise, nothing else happened during the Quidditch match. Later, with everyone in the common room, his friends spent several minutes naming all the constellations on his arm, Hermione knowing the most, of course. Draco's eyes drifted to Harry, who was studying him. The other man looked puzzled, but when he caught Draco's eyes, he smiled wide.

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