Chapter Seventeen: Barry the Bearded

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            Draco found Hermione snogging Krum behind the statute of Barry the Bearded. For some reason, this statute had become the hot spot for a quick snog, possibly because his beard blocked almost everything behind him from sight. It was quite an impressive beard, Draco mused, stroking his own chin. He would need several charms to grow anything even remotely considered a beard.

"Humph," Draco cleared his throat, tactfully looking above the snogging couple's joined faces.

Hermione jumped back and gasped, turning positively red in the face. Krum raised his head slowly and glared at Draco. "We vere busy."

Draco cleared his throat again, unsure of what to do.

"What do you need, Draco?" Hermione asked. It was the use of his first name that prompted Draco to speak.

"I need to speak to you Grang- Hermione. Please," he added as an afterthought.

Draco tried to keep still as she searched his face – no one had stared at him so intently in a long time, if ever. As if she was searching for his soul. "Alright. Viktor, go ahead without me, please."

Krum stared between the two for a moment before shrugging. He leaned down and kissed Hermione's forehead before lumbering off. Hermione grabbed Draco and pulled him into the now unoccupied spot. She crossed her arms, waiting for him to say something.

Draco took a deep breath and said while looking at his feet, "I'm sorry for everything I ever said about you. I was jealous – you got Harry and were the top of the class, both things I dearly coveted. And I'm sorry for ever believing you were lesser than me. And I deserved that hit third year."

He glanced up to find Hermione positively beaming. "Your apology is accepted, and I forgive you. And you did deserve that hit. I hope it hurt." There was no malice in her voice.

Draco smiled back tentatively and rubbed his jaw. "It did, don't worry."

Hermione's smile fell slightly. "This isn't all you wanted to say, was it?"

While shaking his head, Draco said, "First, can I borrow your notes from transfiguration yesterday. I didn't make it. You can borrow my potions notes for the somnolentia we brewed the other day. Blaise said you had a little trouble with it."

The silence stretched out for several long, painful sentences before Hermione said, "That would be wonderful. Thank you."

Draco breathed out in a great puff, feeling himself smile. He hadn't known how Hermione would act given her status as #1 student.

"You know," she started, "Professor Flitwick told me there were two students tied for the number one spot this year."

"Oh yeah?"

"It's me, and then it's you, Draco. I never knew you were such a good student."

Draco shrugged. "I've always been top of my year in Slytherin; it just wasn't ever good enough to beat you. You try too hard."

Hermione pursed her lips. "I do not. I could try harder."

Draco stared at her in horror. "Please don't, you'll collapse!"

"So now you care about me?"

Unprepared for the question, Draco didn't know how to answer. In truth, the answer was yes, because Harry loved her. But he couldn't say that. But saying no would be a lie. Hermione saved him from answering by smiling and saying, "You really care about him, don't you?"

"Who?" Draco asked stupidly. There was no way she could know.


Draco blanched. "Well – I mean – who doesn't – saved the world – Golden Boy -," he stuttered.

Hermione lay a comforting hand on his arm. "It's okay, I won't tell anyone how you feel about him, I promise."

The promise deflated Draco's panic. "You won't?"

"Of course not. That's not something for me to share."

Draco gave her a weak smile. "How'd you find out?"

Hermione chuckled. "Besides the fact that you can't stop making goo-goo eyes at him, the way you treat him is filled with love and respect now."

"But that could just be because I've changed," Draco pointed out.

Hermione gave him a pointed stare. "You obviously have changed, Draco, just like everyone else, but that still doesn't explain your behavior. I see the way you look at him – it's like he's the night sky, and you're filled with wonder at its vast expanse."

"Does Harry ever talk about me?" The question was out of his mouth before he could stop it.

Hermione tilted her head to the right, examining him. "Yes."

"What does he say? Does he still hate me?" Draco asked in a great rush.

"No," she began. "He doesn't hate you. But he doesn't understand your sudden change, either. He's confused by you." Catching sight of Draco's expression, she hurriedly added, "Not in a bad way. Just normal confused."

"Oh." Draco didn't know how to feel at this revelation. He knew Harry didn't feel the same way towards him, but it was still somehow disappointing to have it confirmed.

Hermione's watch chimed, "Time for class! Hurry, hurry!"

"We better get going," Hermione said, starting out from behind the statue.

"Hermione, wait!" Draco called after her. She turned back. "Thank you. For everything. And watch Harry for me, he isn't doing well."

Hermione frowned. "What do you mean?"

Draco shifted uneasily. "I can't tell you specifics just know he's struggling. I can't be there for him the way you are."

She nodded once. "Okay. Thank you for telling me, Draco. But we really need to leave."

The pair squeezed out of the alcove and started on their way to Charms. They chatted animatedly about the lesson, and it was only when they entered the classroom together, and silence descended that they realized anything was amiss.

"We shouldn't have walked together. You're going to be a social piranha if you're seen with me," Draco whispered to her.

She humphed. "Who cares. Besides, I'm tired of sitting next to Ron. We aren't done talking about the water dancing charm, and I just KNOW that's going to be on the NEWTS. I'm sitting with you and Blaise."

With that, she sat in the back in between Blaise and Draco, both of who were too stunned to process the situation.

And then the class began.

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