Chapter Fifty-Four: Rita's Article

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The Boy Who Lives and The Boy Who... Gives?

By Rita Skeeter

It came as shocking news to the general public that Harry Potter was dating ex-Death Eater Draco Malfoy not long ago. We at the Daily Prophet feared for the safety of our beloved hero, too. As a result of the daring expose, a ministry investigation was launched to determine whether Mr. Potter was indeed under some dastardly spell.

We have the exclusive results: Harry Potter was under no magical influence, and Draco Malfoy has not broken his parole.

We extend our sympathies with the couple who had to go through such an invasive measure to prove their love was real. But the general public was clamoring to know, and they deserve to know as well.

The beautiful and dashing Rita Skeeter uncovered the scoop of the century in her efforts to ensure her favorite child Harry Potter is safe (they still have quite a close bond – he owls her at least three times a week).

The mysterious and much talked about D.M. Potter, who has been the biggest donor towards the country's reparations after the war, is none other than Draco Lucius Malfoy himself! The once Death Eater has turned a new leaf, it seems. In an effort to better understand this sudden change, Rita sat down with Draco's solicitor, Andrew Peters.

Rite: Tell me, Mr. Peters, how long has Mr. Malfoy been donating under the name D.M. Potter?

Andrew: It's Draco; Mr. Malfoy is his father. Draco has prepared a statement, but I've decided instead to just answer your questions. Draco has been donating money as D.M. Potter since he took control of the family finances at the end of his trial.

Rita: Why would a Death Eater wish to donate so much money? Looking at a list of donations, he's spent several million galleons so far. No other Malfoy in history has ever donated so much as a sickle. Why now? Why him?

Andrew: He's an EX-Death Eater, Rita. He is no more a follower of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named than you or me. And he's donating because it's the right thing to do. He's doing everything he can to make the world his parents destroyed better.

Rita: Why is he using another name? Wouldn't it be better for him if everyone knew what he was doing?

Andrew: But this isn't for him, Rita. It's for everybody else.

Rita: Why did he choose the name D.M. Potter? It's clear now that the D.M. stands for Draco Malfoy, but why Potter?

Andrew: For the boy who lived, of course. The one that saved us all – what better name to use when trying to give back to the world?

Rita: Does Draco have any plans to stop?

Andrew: None whatsoever. Fifty percent of his income is devoted to donations and grants.

Rite: I see. Back to his parents: do you think they'd be proud of their son?

Andrew: Absolutely not, which is how we know we're on the right track.

After speaking further with Mr. Peters is became evident that he genuinely estimates his employer. One cannot ask for better verification of someone's character than from their own employee.

Many have heard of the tragic accident that killed Narcissa Malfoy recently. For any who fear the Draco had anything to do with it, fear not. Not only was he cleared by the Ministry, but our own Rita Skeeter was present that horrible day. Beyond announcing Draco's innocence, she refuses to discuss the events of that day as a show of support for the grieving young man.

It seems like we were too quick to judge the unlikely pairing of the Gryffindor and Slytherin Princes.

Everyone at the Daily Prophet wishes them years of happiness and joy.

Turn to page 5 to see an exclusive photoshoot with Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy...

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