Chapter Forty-Five: The Inquisition

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            It didn't take long. In fact, it wasn't even the end of the day before the Aurors arrived, banging on the grand front doors unnecessarily. McGonagall would have let them in if they'd asked. Draco couldn't help but smirk at the drama of it all. It would have been entertaining if they hadn't been there to arrest him.

They came for him at dinner, four Aurors all pointing their wands at him. He'd purposely left his wand lying on the table so they could easily grab it.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Harry cried as a man on each side of Draco grabbed his arms and lifted him up.

"Medics are coming for you, Mr. Potter. Stand by," the burliest man told Harry. Draco rolled his eyes heavenwards. Please let Harry think for once.

His prayers must have reached some higher power because Harry shut his trap. Draco sighed in relief.

"Come with us, Mr. Malfoy." They started dragging him from the room, everyone's eyes on him.

"Mr. Malfoy is my father. Please call me Draco."

The man to his left smirked. "No can do, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco sighed. Nothing he could do about it.

The Headmistress met them at the doors leading into the hall, furious. "Put him down! He can walk! I will not tolerate such brutality in my school, Hopkins, Jorgan!"

The two men instantly dropped Draco, and he stumbled before righting himself. The two men looked frightened of McGonagall, who was giving them an earful about 'decorum' and 'rightful treatment of students.' Draco tried not to smile. When she was done, she waved them off. "Charms classroom three has been prepared. I will be joining you shortly after I see to Potter. If one hair is misplaced on that boy's head..." she didn't have to finish the threat. Draco had never been more grateful to the woman.

He was allowed to walk the rest of the way and upon entering the classroom, sat down in the only chair, knowing it was where he needed to be.

The four Aurors circled him menacingly.

"I assume you know why you're here, Malfoy?" the red-headed man asked, standing right in front of him.

Playing dumb, Draco shook his head. "I have no idea."

The man gritted his teeth. "We received some unsettling allegations against you concerning Mr. Potter."

Draco blinked innocently. "Like what?"

The man cleared his throat. Hopkins, the giant man, grimaced and took up the line of conversation. "There is evidence that you've bewitched him and potentially have used an unforgivable curse."

Feigning confusion, Draco asked, "Where did this information come from? I don't remember putting my boyfriend under any kind of spell."

The redhead gagged. Draco smirked. "What does that make you uncomfortable? Huh?"

"We'll get to the bottom of this," Jorgan growled. "We all know Harry fucking Potter wouldn't have anything to do with a Death Eater like you if he had the choice."

Smugly, Draco said, "Ex-Death Eater, thank you very much."

He didn't see which man backhanded him, but he tasted the metallic sting of blood in his mouth. He let the blood dribble out of his mouth as he turned back to the Aurors. "Is that all you've got?"

Jorgan raised his hand, but Hopkins stopped him. "Can't rough him up too bad."

"Yea, listen to your mommy Jorgan," Draco hissed.

This time he saw the fist coming his way, but he didn't stop it, letting it careen into his nose, the crunch of bone breaking now familiar to him.

He started laughing, blood pouring down his face. Draco knew he looked insane, he had to, but he couldn't stop. He knew he'd gotten under their skin with just a few short words, and he knew they would find nothing wrong with Harry. He laughed harder.

"He's insane," Hopkins whispered.

"Don't worry," the red-headed man said. "He'll be back in Azkaban before you know it."

"Ooooo Azkaban so scary," cooed Draco.

The door being flung open stopped Jorgan from hitting him again. In hurried McGonagall, who stopped at the sight of Draco, freely bleeding everywhere.

"WHAT. DID. I. SAW. ABOUT. MY. STUDENT'S. SAFETY?" she hollered.

The Aurors flinched, and one cast a silent healing charm on Draco, who's nose instantly straightened itself and stopped bleeding.

"I'm alright. I just tripped, and... fell."

McGonagall looked ready to attack, but instead, she pulled out the tiny bottle of clear liquid. "You understand what has to happen, Draco?" she asked kindly. He nodded. "Good."

After being handed the tiny bottle, he took the dropper out and administered three drops to himself before handing it back.

Hopkins stepped forward, ready to question Draco.

"What is your name?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy."

"Have you broken your parole in any way, shape, or form?"

"I have not."

The Aurors frowned at this.

"Have you bewitched anyone since your trial?"


"Have you used an unforgivable curse, specifically the Imperious curse since your trial?"


They started to grumble.

"Have you administered a potion to anyone since your trial?"


"Have you been in contact with any Dark Wizards since your trial?"

"Just my father, but those letters were read by the ministry before they were sent."

"What have you done to Harry Potter then?" Jorgan spluttered.

Draco grinned evilly. "Loved him. That's all."

"But -!"

They were cut off by the Headmistress, who was smiling widely. "There. You have your answers. Now leave my castle."

The men stared in hatred at Draco for several tense moments before they turned and left, all murmuring their goodbyes to McGonagall.

"Are you alright?"

"I've been better. But I'm not going to Azkaban tonight, so that's a plus."

McGonagall stared at him. "You better get cleaned up before Harry is finished. He won't be level-headed if he sees you like that, Mr. Malfoy." She turned to leave and then turned back. "I am so sorry for all of this."

"It's not your fault. But thank you."

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