Chapter Twenty-Three: Pulling Aside Your Bestie

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            Harry wasn't surprised when Ron pulled him aside after charms. "Harry, I need to speak with you."

He nodded, already knowing what topic was causing Ron so much distress: Draco. Ron dragged him into a nearby empty classroom so as not to be overheard.

"What's going on, Ron?" Harry asked.

"Mate, I think you're spending too much time with Malfoy. It's not good for you. In fact, it's probably dangerous."

Harry frowned. He knew Ron didn't like Draco, but he thought Ron was being a little ridiculous. "Ron, I think you're a little biased. And it wouldn't hurt if you called him by his first name instead of Malfoy."

"No, I think you're out of your mind, Harry. This is DRACO MALFOY we're talking about! He tormented all of us for years! And you've just forgiven him because he said sorry? Why?"

Harry stared at his best friend. "Because he's changed. And everyone deserves a second chance if they put in the work, and he is."

"You and your ideals! He's evil, Harry! The git always has been!"

Trying to keep his temper in check, Harry took a deep breath. "Ron, I think you aren't giving him enough credit. I've been watching Draco for years now, and he's changed. I know he has."

Ron snorted and crossed his arms. "Even if he has changed, which he hasn't, you're still spending a lot of time with him."

Harry sighed in exasperation. "Ron, he's tutoring me still, we share a room, and we're in group therapy together. Not to mention the teachers have started pairing us up together. I don't know what you want from me, I can't control any of that."

"Of course not," Ron agreed. "But you also eat half your meals with him and have started inviting him to group things. Those are unnecessary."

Harry stared at Ron. He couldn't tell him that he ate with Draco on days he felt like he couldn't eat at all. No, he didn't want Ron to know he was struggling like that. "He's been struggling. He can't even walk the halls alone without being cursed."

"Because he's a Death Eater!"

Harry stilled, anger coursing through him. "He is no more a Death Eater than I am, Ron. If you trust me, then believe what I'm telling you."

"How can you say that? What proof do you have?"

Harry thought back on Draco's memories about having the Dark Mark forced upon him and how he was raised. He really hadn't had a chance. "I can't tell you. But believe me, it's true, Ron."

Ron stared at Harry with dawning comprehension. "You actually like him, don't you?"

"Yes, I actually like him," Harry said without hesitation, surprising even himself with his conviction.

"Bloody mad, that's what you are," Ron mumbled to himself.

"Ron, give him a chance." Harry didn't like the begging tone his voice had taken on.

"No, the git hasn't even apologized to me."

"That's because you haven't given him a chance to," Harry pointed out.


"For me, Ron. Do it for me?"

Ron considered Harry. "I will on one condition."


"The next he leaves in the middle of the night, you have to follow him. I've seen him go; I know he does it regularly. He's up to no good, I promise."

Harry shifted uneasily, knowing Draco would be upset if Harry was caught. Besides, he'd already followed him once. But to make Ron happy, Harry promised.

"Will you try to get to know him?" Harry asked.

"Fine. But only because you're my best mate."

Relief washed over Harry. "Thank you."

Ron eyed him. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you have a crush on Malfoy. Which would be disgusting."

Harry laughed, but a denial was hard to force out for some reason. "No, of course not. Now let's go back to the common room; everyone will be there. You can start being nice if Draco is around."

Ron grunted.

Climbing through the portrait hole, Ron and Harry found everyone was indeed waiting for them. "Where were you?" Hermione frowned.

"Ron dropped his bag and we had to clean everything up. His ink got everywhere." Ron refused to use the shrinking charm on his bag like Harry and Hermione now did because it came from Draco.

Ron helpfully added a "Yea" to the conversation before turning to Malfoy, who was sitting in the corner chair curled around a textbook. "Malfoy, you up for a game of chess?"

Draco raised his head and looked between Ron and Harry. Harry shrugged – he had an inkling of what Ron was doing, but he wasn't sure.

"Sure, Weasly," Draco said, mirroring back the use of the last name.

"Wonderful," Ron said with a wolfish smile. "Let me go grab my board."

In less than ten minutes, the pair were set up to play, their group surrounding the couple already knowing the future outcome.

"Best two out of three?" Draco asked.

"Sure," Ron said, smiling easily. And then the game began.

In less than ten moves, Ron had already won. Draco stared at him, mouth open. "How the hell did you do that?"

Ron smiled, smug as hell. "I'm not that bad at chess."

Draco frowned. "Neither am I, normally. Okay, round two!"

This time the group watched in fascination as Draco's piece slowly advanced across the board until a checkmate was called out.

"Did Draco just..." Hermione whispered, staring at the board.

"He did," Neville confirmed.

Instead of looking angry, as Harry expected, Ron had a thoughtful expression on his face. "Ready for the third game?"

Draco nodded, no trace of smugness about him.

This game was different from the other two; neither player gave way immediately, and as far as Harry could tell, they were evenly matched. Ron started his attack slowly, and after twenty more minutes of back and forth, Ron came out on top. Draco leaned back and smirked at Ron. "Good game, Weasley."

"You too... Draco."

The room stood still. Draco sat up straight. There was a moment of silence before Draco said, "You know, I'm really sorry for all the things I said about your family. If I'm honest, I only said those things out of jealousy. I've always wanted a mum like yours."

Ron's mouth fell open. After blubbering for a moment he said, "Thanks, Draco. You're still a git, though."

Harry smiled to himself. Maybe everything would work itself out.

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