Chapter Thirty-Four: Hiding From Harry

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Draco was hiding from Harry. Even he couldn't convince himself otherwise. On some level, he was rather proud of himself, as the two men lived together. The key to his plan was the Room of Requirement; he'd basically been living in there since Christmas.

The students returned the week after New Year, and Draco immediately put his plan into action. He never spent time in the common room, instead opting to spend every moment of his free time in the Room. It had sprouted a bathroom and a tunnel to the kitchens, so he didn't even have to go to meals. He knew he was losing weight again, but he couldn't help it. Draco just couldn't face Harry, not now that he knew what it was like to kiss him - how his heart felt like it'd explode from love. He didn't want to see the disgusted look in Harry's eyes when the other man apologized for the kiss because Draco knew Harry and knew he would do just that.

Classes were more challenging as there was only one Blaise to sit next to. So Draco started sitting in the very last spot on the bench in the back with Blaise sitting next to him, effectively blocking Harry from sitting next to Draco. As soon as the bell rang, Draco was out the door before anyone else had moved. All Harry could do was glare at Blaise.

Hermione pulled Draco aside on the third day back while Ron distracted Harry.

"Draco, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hiding. I thought it was rather obvious?"

Hermione crossed her arms. "That's the stupidest thing I've heard recently, which is saying something because Harry's been quite the idiot. Why would you hide? It's not like Harry hasn't noticed."

Draco stared at her miserably, and her face softened. "I can guarantee that whatever you're thinking right now is wrong, Draco."

"It's too late for things to go back to how they were before, not now, not after..." he trailed off.

"After you kissed?"

A thrill shot through Draco at the words, and he nodded. "Yes, after that. Even though it was just a joke, it wasn't for me. Not at all."

Hermione frowned. "What makes you think it meant nothing to Harry?"

Draco mirrored her frown. "Because. I mean, how could he? We were enemies for years."

"And yet you love him," Hermione pointed out. "Why can't it be the same for Harry?"

Before Draco could form a response, he saw Harry had realized that Draco and Hermione were talking and had pushed past Ron.

"Oh shit! Bye, Hermione!" Draco scrambled away, driving into a crowd of students, so he was swept along out of Harry's reach.

On the second Friday, Draco was going stir crazy in the Room of Requirements. Long after midnight, Draco stepped out into the hall and yawned. He was tired but knew that he would never be able to sleep.

"Malfoy," a calm voice said behind him, one Draco would know any place, at any time. The voice etched into his heart.

Draco turned slowly to find Harry's head floating next to the open door. There was no way Draco would be able to get past him into the room.

"Can we do this in the room?" Draco asked.

Harry hesitated for a moment before nodding and walking into the room. Draco followed and went straight to his desk, where he leaned against it for support.

Harry stood before him, furious. "What the hell have you been doing, Malfoy?"

Draco raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Last names again, Potter?"

"Draco," Harry growled.

Draco's smirk slipped. The sound of his name on Harry's lips when he was this angry tore him up inside.

"What do you want, Harry?"

"I want to know why my best friend has suddenly decided he can't be in the same room as me! I want to know why you've been holed up in here for days, weeks even! What the hell, Draco!"

He stood there, his mouth hanging open. "I'm your best friend?"

"Is that all you took from what I said?"

Draco nodded. "Yea, pretty much. Now answer the questions, Harry."

Harry growled again. It seemed to be a theme tonight. "Yes. You're my best friend besides Hermione and Ron. Happy?"

Draco couldn't wipe the stupid grin off his face. "Ecstatic."

"So, tell me what's going on!"

The smile slowly slipped from Draco's face and was replaced with a sad grimace. "I just, I can't be around you at the minute Harry. I just can't. Let me be alone, please."

"I will not," Harry said, striding forward until he was so close to Draco they almost touched. Harry had to tilt his head back slightly to look at Draco. "If this is what because of what happened on Christmas it didn't mean anything -!"

Draco shouted over Harry, "But it did to me!"

Harry blinked slowly behind his glasses. "What?"

Draco leaned down, so they were nearly nose to nose. "It did mean something to me, and I'm staying away because I don't think I can get close to you without doing this!" Draco crushed his lips onto Harry's. There was nothing soft or sweet about the kiss; it was pure possessiveness, raw and hungry. Harry gasped, and Draco took the opportunity to sweep into his mouth and tangle their tongues together.

After a lifetime, Draco pulled back, panting. "That. That's why I've been staying away. Now, if you could leave me be," Draco tried to push Harry away, but Harry stood firm. He grabbed Draco's hands and held tight.

"I lied."

"You what?" Draco asked, confused.

Harry bit his swollen bottom lip. "I lied. The kisses under the mistletoe meant something to me. I was just scared you didn't feel the same way since you've been avoiding me."

"You – you – what?"

Harry rolled his eyes, and before Draco could stop him, Harry had brushed his lips softly across Dracos'; the opposite of his bruising kiss from a moment before. Draco froze, scared to breathe, scared to move lest he break whatever spell Harry was under.

"I love you, Draco."

Draco collapsed back onto the desk. "You what?"

Harry turned beet red and mumbled something unintelligible.

"Do you really mean it? Me? Are you sure?"

Nodding, Harry took a step closer so he was pressed up against Draco. "Yes. I love you, Draco."

Feeling faint, Draco stared at Harry in awe. Never in a million years...

"I love you too, Harry."

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