Chapter Forty-Four: The Daily Prophet

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            Harry had no idea how Pansy became part of their group, even after Draco told him what had happened that night. Ron just wasn't that smooth.

"Ron, how'd you get Pansy to agree to go on a date with you?" Harry asked, curiosity getting the better of him a week after their first date.

Ron shrugged. "Dunno. I was half asleep and told her she was pretty. Worked pretty well, though!" He grinned stupidly.

Harry tried to hide his snicker. "Smooth Ron, real smooth."

"Hey, it got me a girlfriend!"

Harry had to admit Ron did have a point.

Several weeks after Harry and Draco's relationship became public knowledge inside Hogwarts' walls, they were all sitting at their table in the corner when the owls arrived. Hermione's Daily Prophet came, and she instantly ripped it from the owl's beak, causing it to hoot in protest. "Sorry," she mumbled as her eyes landed on the front page. "It's here!" she announced to the table.

Harry and the others looked at her blankly, but Draco sighed. "How bad is it?"

Hermione scanned the first couple of paragraphs. "That evil, conniving, horrible bitch!"

Everyone sat stunned. Hermione never cursed.

"That bad, huh?" Draco asked again. Harry looked between the two of them.

"Very bad," Krum murmured, reading over Hermione's shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" Harry said, ripping the Prophet from her hands. Covering half the front page was a picture of Harry and Draco holding hands. "Oh."

"Might as well read it out loud, Harry," Draco sighed. "Everyone is going to have read it by our first class anyways.

Harry took a deep breath and began to read.

Our Savior and... the Death Eater?

By Rita Skeeter

During an exclusive interview with an anonymous student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, The Daily Prophet can report that Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived (Twice) is in a romantic relationship with none other than disgraced Death Eater Draco Lucius Malfoy.

It may come as a shock to many in the wizarding community to find out that our Savior has decided he is, in fact, bisexual. However, it will come as no surprise that the Death Eater in question has such horrific tendencies, although it is probably quite shocking for his parents - not that his father has any mind left at all.

If our readers will remember, the only reason Draco Malfoy is not behind bars is because of the testimony of the Golden Trio – otherwise, he'd be in Azkaban beside his dear dad.

"It's disgusting," our source told us. "They're so open about it – it wouldn't come as a surprise to find out Malfoy has, in fact, bewitched Harry. It's really the only explanation; why else would he be with such a disgusting excuse for a human being? With that murderer?"

Is Mr. Malfoy employing some form of magic to ensnare Harry Potter? Could it be a love potion, or worse, the Imperious curse? And what is his motive? Is he forcing himself on our dear hero?

How can we protect our poor Harry Potter from his nasty snares?

When Harry was done reading, his hands were shaking from rage, and he saw red.

"So they think I've cast the Imperious curse on you, do that?" Draco chuckled lightly. Before Harry could snap at him, he saw the look of fear Draco was trying to hide.

Harry dropped the Prophet and reached across the table to grab Draco's hand and was stunned when the other man pulled his hand away, looking at the tables surrounding them. Hurt, Harry almost said something but kept his mouth shut when he realized the tables around them were whispering more furiously than before. Harry spotted the Daily Prophet in several student's hands.

"You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?" Pansy asked quietly, her gaze fixed on Draco.

He nodded jerkily. "It was only a matter of time."

"It couldn't stay within these walls forever," Hermione added, her eyes searching Draco's for god knows what. "I'm surprised it took so long, to be honest."

"I'm sorry, Harry, for dragging you down into this," Draco turned to Harry.

"Don't you dare." Harry's voice shook with suppressed rage. "Don't you dare apologize for something that is half my decision anyway."

"Harry, they think I have you under the Imperious curse! An illegal curse! There's going to be an investigation based on these allegations! Can't you see the writing on the wall?"

Harry stared stubbornly at the man he loved. "And I love you, and that's enough of a reason to stick by your side."

Draco stared at him helplessly.

"Oi, we're still here," Ron coughed.

"Ronald, they're having a moment, can't you see?" Luna stage whispered.

Harry broke eye contact with his boyfriend. "So, what are we going to do about this?"

Hermione chewed her lip.

"Act even more obnoxiously in love," Blaise suggested.

"We're no more obnoxious than you and Neville," Harry jabbed back.

"Ouch. You're just jealous I'm no longer available."

"Not my type, Blaise, remember?"

Blaise snorted. "I am everybody's type."

"I need to get ready for when the Aurors come," Draco said.

The table instantly fell silent. "There's no guarantee they'll come," Harry whispered, terrified of the possibility.

"They will," Hermione and Draco said in unison.

"What will the rest of us do?" Harry asked.

"Get ready to be character witnesses, I suppose, and Harry, you need to be ready to be tested to make sure you aren't under any curses or potions."

"This is ridiculous," Harry fumed.

Draco spread his hands and then clenched them tightly. "Welcome to my life, Harry."

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