Chapter 1

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Note: This takes place after Descendents 1. I guess it's kinda like a rewrite of 2? Unsure, but I know that it's before 3. There may or may not be a sequel to this story and have a rewrite of three but, you get the picture. Also, my first fanfic ever! Well, I published another story today, but still, I've got no clue on what in the world I am doing.  Please enjoy! (Btw I've never actually read the books or actually seen the descendants movies or cartoons so I'm only working on with what I find on YouTube and a bunch of other random facts, but I love Carlos so much!)

Chapter 1

"I have a what now?"  Carlos gaped at Fairy Godmother.

"A twin... you didn't know?  I assumed that you... Oh, dear..." the woman placed a hand on her cheek.

"Awkward..." Jay leaned over and whispered in Mal's ear.  She batted him away, rolling her eyes.  This was news to all of them, obviously.  To know that Carlos had a sibling that lived with Carlos's father.  Of course, no one actually knew who that was.  Except, apparently, Fairy Godmother who knew he had the twin to begin with.

"Ma'am, I don't even know the name of my father," Carlos cleared his throat.  "Do you know anything?"

"Hold on, dear.  Let me get your files out.  There isn't any pictures, but it gives a little intel on your family..." she quickly rummaged through a desk drawer until she finally found the file.  "Ah!  There it is!"

Carlos hastily, but carefully, opened the file.  FG was right.  There were no photos, but at least it provided names.  His three friends leaned in closer, trying to see themselves.  They had always wondered who their youngest friend was related to.  Carlos especially wanted to know, because he never really had the best parental experience with his mother.  Of course, most Vks didn't, but Carlos was exceptionally bad that even Jafar had called Cruella out once for going too far when he had been present for one of Carlos' 'punishments'.  When Jafar, an evil man who was willing to kill for the throne, tells you that you are being too cruel, well, it speaks its volume.  Very loudly.

Jay smirked.  "Well, that explains where your freckles, white skin and brains came from."

"I don't even know who that is!"  Evie frowned.  "But, Jay, you've seen him?"

"He came by my father's shop for odd computer parts often," Jay answered.

"I didn't know that guy was even on the Isle," Mal admitted.

"I still don't know what he looks like," Carlos sighed.

"Actually, I can pull up a photo of your father on the internet.  I just don't have anything for your twin," Fairy Godmother cut in.

"Can I see him, please?" Carlos asked hopefully.

The woman nodded.  She flipped the computer on and typed in the name.  Some photos appeared on the screen and Carlos studied them.  "Villain: Syndrome.  Occupation: creating gadgets and high tech to rid the world of superpowers.  Almost destroyed a city and was sentenced to the Isle of the Lost."  Carlos read quietly to himself.

"That's an odd name," Jay said as he pointed to the name of Carlos's twin.

"Evie's an odd name and Mal isn't very famous either, or until you showed up.  No offense," Carlos said.

Mal snorted and rolled her eyes.  Evie shrugged.  "I think the name Varian is really nice.  I wonder if he's anything like you, Carlos."

Carlos looked at the file again.  "I don't know, but I'm going to find out.  Some how."

Evie set a comforting hand on his shoulder.  "Just remember, we're with you all the way.  We can figure this out together.  As long as we can help it, you don't have to go through this alone."

"E's right, we're with you," Mal agreed, catching on that Carlos was feeling a little upset or frightened.  Or maybe his feelings were confused or perhaps it was her that was confused.

Evie elbowed Jay when he didn't catch on.  "Huh?  What?-Oh!  Right!  With you all the way, bud."

Carlos breathed a small laugh, the corners of his mouth turning upward a little.  "Thanks guys... That means a lot to me."

"Well, we know you'd be there for us, so it's only fair we be here for you," Evie smiled back.  She was glad he looked at least a little relieved.

Fairy Godmother smiled too.  "Alrighty.  I know you just had a big discovery, but we need to get on the subject I originally called you over for.  Please, sit down.  Ben will be here in a minute.  I'll need that file back though."

"Oh, right.  Sorry," Carlos flushed as he handed it back.

The woman nodded knowingly before she turned around and put the file away.  She sat at her desk.  Before any of the Vks could ask why they were there, she cleared her throat.  "You'll be filled in once Ben arrives.  He'll tell you then.  He wanted to be the one to come to you four with this proposal."

Sighing, the teens sat back in their chairs and awaited for Ben's arrival.  For a king, he sure did like to take his time and keep his subjects in suspense.  Lovely.

Hope you enjoyed this.  Please comment!  I would really appreciate it if you gave tips on how to use this thing.  I'm unsure how this publishing works and I don't know if I can publish it in a certain area or not because I'm basically jumping into this without the slightest idea on what I am doing.  Thank you all!

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