Chapter 34

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"Uma!"  Mal looked over the edge of the boat.

Varian stood next to her.  "Mal, she swims really good," he assured her.

The water began moving in a circle until Uma emerged from the water as a giant sea creature with tentacles.  A huge wave of water splashed on them.  Varian gasped and coughed, strangling on the water.

"True loves kiss won't defeat this!"  Uma smirked.  "The world will know my name!"  She whipped her tentacle at the crowd.  They were lucky that all of them dunked in time.  She slashed at them again, breaking part of the guard rail in the process.

Mal began to breathe heavily as her eyes began to glow green.  A mist began to surround her as she transformed into a dragon.

"She can do that?"  Varian cried.

"I didn't know!"  Carlos answered.

Uma laughed.  Mal spat fire at the her, causing Uma to stop.  She whipped her tentacle at her enemy in return.  "Come on, Mal!  Let's finish this once and for all!"

Mal screeched, sending scorching hot flames at Uma.  She dodged it easily.  It was Mal's turn to dodge as Uma slapped her tentacle at her.  Mal breathed a fireball, making Uma duck underneath the watet.  She reemerged from the water, sending another wave over the boat.  Varian was more prepared for it this time.

Ben roared as he started to take off his overcoat.  As he was about to jump in the water, Varian tackled him.  It was surprisingly powerful enough to knock the king off his feet.  Ben laid dazed on the deck as Varian stood back up.  "They can hear you from the deck.  No point putting yourself in needless danger yet."  Ben didn't say anything, still in shock about the tackle.

Mal shot another fireball at Uma.  She dodged it, but her tentacle hit the boat, causing it to rock.  Varian lost his balance and tipped over the broken part of the rail.  His heart leapt to his throat, knowing he couldn't swim.  He shouted out before he hit the water.

"Varian!"  Carlos screamed, gripping his hair.  He hadn't learned to swim yet himself.

The fight suddenly stopped as Uma dove into the water.  Mal hovered in the air, not certain what exactly happened.  Everyone stood there waiting for an agonizing three seconds that felt like hours.  Uma finally surfaced the water, holding Varian with a tentacle.  She set him on the boat as he coughed the water out of his lungs.  Carlos immediately pulled him into a hug.  "I thought I lost you..."

"Nah... it's gonna take a little more than that to kill me," Varian gave a sheepish grin.  He had one hand clasped into a fist.

"We don't need to fight," Ben called to Mal and Uma.  He looked at the latter.  "I know there's good in you, otherwise you would have let him drown.  You can be part of the solution!"

Uma remained still for a moment.  Then she shook her head and disappeared into the water.

"Uma!"  Varian called, but only started another caughing fit.  He gripped his chest and looked sadly at where Uma had vanished.

Mal landed on the ship, transforming back into herself but her hair was down and her dress purple instead.  She hugged Ben.

"Hey,"  Varian held out his hand, revealing Ben's ring.  The king smiled a and thanked him as he took it back.

"How are you doing?"  Carlos asked.

"I think I'm gonna be ok," Varian assured him.

"Is this yours?"  A man held the spell book out to Mal.

"Yes, but... it belongs in the museum.  Fairy Godmother?"

"Yep, that's me.  And yes it does and I'm taking it," Fairy Godmother nodded.

Mal chuckled as she and Ben kissed again.

Wow guys!  We're almost done with book 1!  I can't believe it's gotten this far!

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