Chapter 17

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"Uh-huh?"  Varian looked up from his notes.

"Is there something we could use to make me tell Jane how I truly feel?"

"That's typically something you would ask from someone who uses magic like Jane or Mal," Varian leaned back in his seat, his feet on top of the table.

"Right..." Carlos gave a nervous chuckle before looking back down at his computer.

"But there is something that might be able to help."


"Well, maybe.  Is there a way that I can get my hands on a formula that is mainly called 'mood potion'?"

Carlos stopped typing and looked over st his brother.  He noticed Varian's mischievous smirk.  Shaking his head, Carlos sighed and closed his laptop.  "I am going to regret this."


"And just one drop and... voila!  Ladies and gents, I present to you the Truth Serum!"  Varian held up the vile.


"Actually it has a very bitter taste so I recomend you keep one of those cokes near by."

"Oh, yeah.  Probably wise..."

"Are you sure you want to drink this?  You'll be telling the truth to everyone for at least twenty four hours."

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Ok...  oh no!"

The vile slipped from Varian's grasps and clattered to the floor.  Because the lid was off, not of it spilled picked up the vile and tilted his head up to give it to Carlos.  It was too late.  The dog had drank it.

"Please tell me that it doesn't affect dogs," Carlos panicked.

"Ew!  Gross!  Woo!  That's the worst tasting stuff I've ever had!"

Varian and Carlos's jaws dropped as they stared at the talking dog.

"Did you know that could happen?"  Carlos glanced as his twin.

"Nooo... but I do now..."  Varian began to write down this new information in his notes.

"What do we do?  You have a reversal?" Carlos was still staring at his dog.

"Nope.  As for what we're gonna do, I'm gonna do nothing.  Hopefully it wears off.  Good luck with that."  Varian grabbed his school bag before leaving the room.

"Uh-huh..." Carlos nodded, still dazed.


Varian was mumbling as he read through his history book, walking through the hallways.  He was advanced in all subjects, except for history.  He was behind because Aurodon didn't like the version of history he knew.  The real history teacher was kind and was patient with him and remembered not to call him up.  When she noticed how embarrassed he got the first time, she had decided to let him catch up on their version.

However, she had to drop out of teaching because she seven months pregnant and it was too hard to continue.  Now the substitute teacher had taken over and he wasn't so understanding.  He acted like it was Varian's fault.

The teen suddenly stopped when he noticed Jay leaning against the wall, staring at a booklet.  He seemed distressed.  He noticed Varian.  "Hey, do you like fencing?"

"Yeah, not gonna be a help to you there.  I thought you were having Lonnie join," Varian raised a brow.

"I was, but Chad showed me the rulebook and it has to be eight guys and a captain."

"No rule breaking here, right."  Varian closed his history book.  "Well... do you feel comfortable bending the rules?"  It was Jay's turn to raise a brow.  Varian smirked as he pointed to the rule Jay had read to him.  "It says eight men and a captain.  Is there a rule that says the captain has to be a he?"

Jay's eyes widened.  "No, it doesn't.  I've read this three times and not once has it said the captain can't be a girl!  Your a genius!"

"Yeah, that's kind of my thing," Varian remarked.

"Thanks, V!  Now we have plan,"  Jay waved as he jogged back to their dorm.

"No prob," Varian walked in the opposite direction.  He felt like he was getting good at being good, or acting.  Whatever.

"Bend the rules a little, huh?"

Varian looked up to see Ruby.  She didn't seem angry, but rather amused.  Varian just shrugged.  "Typically I'd just break them if I don't like it.  It's like that on the Isle."

"Well, I hope it works.  Lonnie's the best fencer and it's been a while since we've won."

"What?  You a rule bender?"  Varian smirked.

"When your father was the most wanted thief back in his day, you pick up a thing or two," she answered.

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